
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
Last automatic update from zzz, magnet file « Книга жалоб и предложений « Разработка i2pd
Mon, 03 Apr 2023, 06:26am #1
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

This is the Last automatic update from zzz, that I know of. Here's the magnet file and postman page.



I'm assuming, could be wrong, if you rename this to


, place it into the program folder it will roll back, by updating to this file, if you have an newer version. I did this but I can't remember if it was this exact file or not. I think so, I'm fairly sure it was this one. It did roll it back.

I hope people will continue to seed this torrent forever or until we can see what is really going on.

It will be interesting to see if they somehow disable zzz's keys so that it will not update. I'm not sure if the keys have to be verified over the I2P net to work or not. I have a much older version of I2P, I may run it, and then try to update in a few weeks and see if they have cut off all earlier updates by zzz. If so, not a good sign.

Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 06:37am #2
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

QT i2pd Honour Among Bros

I just got fedup with Flathub blocking QT i2pd from anonymous locations. If you are the QT i2pd developer and you are getting paid by downloads, please state your objection.

I'm not going to eat brown from IBM. Free software is FREE. I have a plan to release the sideload on Drive 3Z aka Postman to go with the current GUIX pack or create a special GUIX pack with flatpak sideload. Please state objections!

Yandex Rusky!
QT i2pd Честь среди братьев

Мне просто надоело, что Flat hub блокирует QT i2pd из анонимных местоположений. Если вы являетесь разработчиком QTi 2 pd и вам платят за скачивание, пожалуйста, сформулируйте свое возражение.

Я не собираюсь есть коричневое от IBM. Свободное программное обеспечение является БЕСПЛАТНЫМ. У меня есть план освободить боковую загрузку на диске 3 Zaka Postman для использования с текущим пакетом GUIX или создать специальный пакет GUIX с боковой загрузкой flatpak. Пожалуйста, сформулируйте возражения!

Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 01:44pm #3
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

I personally wouldn't use those "update" files to rollback as they cannot rollback future changes to databases etc. Can someone confirm? I would simply recommend reinstalling a previous version and readd any custom elements and options.

Its best practice to keep a record of changes that one makes to options, anyway. I would encourage people to keep a record.

@qball I'm not across these issues, but I'm aware that one ought be wary of IBM. QT pays out for downloads??? Hi I'm Sybil... Sybil... Sybil... Sybil Attack???


I'M PROPOSING A SOLUTION TO THE ATTACK ON I2P HERE. It involves anonymously setting up a local meetup, with a specific question asking attendees what they believe the attack on I2P is about. MORE...
