zlatinb,"...Well, I've made the offer. It doesn't paint you in very good light to be so reluctant to provide data that can be verified and direct blame towards Jews..."
More of the same Jew speak. See how they do this. It's like a nervous tic they can't get rid of. Like that rubbing of the hands they do. They do this hand rubbing every so often. You see them noticing they do it then stopping abruptly and looking around like,"did anyone see my hand rubbing?". This Jew speak is the same thing.
Look at what he says,"...It doesn't paint you in very good light..."
Well, if it doesn't put me in a good light to meet some likely Jew that pretends to be someone else that has disappeared and gone to who knows where? I say, in good light to WHO?
and,"...to provide data that can be verified and direct blame towards Jews..."
Who else would do something so vile? If fact your popping up and spewing a whole lot of Jew speak is what seals my suspicions that the Jews are the ones doing this. Jews hate, hate, hate free speech, because then we start hearing about, 9-11, the massive murderous behavior of the Jews in Russia, Spain and all throughput history. The Jews are just one big ass bloody hate machine that murder everyone they can every chance they get. God only knows how many people they killed in Russia during the communist revolution. Here's what their own people say,
"It was essentially a Jewish regime in the Soviet Union that between 1917 and 1953 managed to exterminate 66 million Russian Christians and destroy their churches"
Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister
Democracy Now, August 14, 2002
So there's your "data" about the Jews. I already talked about 9-11. I can provide WAY MORE if you're not satisfied with that.