
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 05:36am Mourning the loss of zzz for I2P »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

Much appreciation for the link. I will download them.

VargThePissed wrote:

I found a torrent
"I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023"

I would think it would have the relevant software before the "change", if it can be verified.


You say it won't download but I did. Here is the magnet file. Maybe with just the magnet file you can pick it up with DHT. A question are you upgraded to the latest I2P version? If so...maybe it is stopping it? I have no proof of this.


or just the magnet hash alone


As for "global homo" it's just a nickname for the deep State as they seem to be pushing the homo, trans, whatever along with all the other vile putrid things they are doing.

As for your take on the Jews I'm not sure if you are dissimulating, parroting what the Jews have constantly programmed you to say from repetition in their media, or you are just naive and have really not payed attention the the overwhelming mass of destruction they have caused. You are repeating their talking points AND deflecting what they have done by bringing in some irrelevant Muslim deaths. The Jews killed 60 million Russians, they say themselves, so how does this Christ Church attack even compare? What the point of bringing it up in comparison? None at all, that's what.

It's so may things they've done. There's a saying,"every single time", that's very prevalent, because it's true. Most every time you see some really bad screwed up stuff you will see a Jew involved at a high level. They usually hide behind someone else but they will be there at the upper levels.

You went on about George Bushes brother but he's just one guy. There's a huge, immense amount of Jews involved in 9-11. And there's no way possible that it was not a Jew operation. There's also no way possible that their media, and they own the bulk of all of it, is not controlled to hide this. It's extremely unlikely that you can tell me even the slightest thing about 9-11 that I do not already know.

If the Jews do not want to be targeted as a group for criticism or worse they had better learn to rein in the huge, stupendous amount of evil they are doing as a people. Baring that, they will all be blamed just as they blame Whites for every thing under the Sun, constantly all day and night long. What's good for them, group criticism of Whites, is good for us, group criticism of Jews, and in-grouping them as they do us. They don't want this, they should stop behaving that way.
