
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
Sat, 22 Apr 2023, 02:55am Has anyone noticed the sharp decline in sites being able to answer? »
Registered: November 2022
Последний раз: Sat, 27 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 6

VargThePissed wrote:

Has anyone noticed the sharp decline in sites being able to answer?

So I'm looking at Not_bobs site


So around Friday or so a large amount of sites went from green,(being able to respond) to yellow or red, (responding sporadically or not at all). Notice how the sites over the week go from green(good) and slowly turn more yellow(not as good) then turn to red(not responding).

You can clearly see this. Go to the site and scroll down It's a large amount of sites that the response rate drops off at mostly the same time.

Why is this?

I have speculated that java I2P has been taken over by hostile forces and I also predicted that eventually this new software from the java I2P would screw up the network. Is this what's happening? I don't know, but something is. Look at not_bob's site and you can easily and graphically see the steep drop off in responses from many, many sites. It's obvious. Now if it were one or two maybe we could ignore it but this seems to be a large scale pattern that is easily seen.

I know or think Not_bob is on this site. I wonder if Not_bob is using the java I2P for this graph or is he using I2Pd. If the graph is filled from I2Pjava could it work better or change if I2Pd is used to ping the sites?

I'm sure the "possibly" fake zlatinb or fairlyNoobQuestions will chime in and tell it's nothing to worry about. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Yes, I run I2P+ on the router that collects all the data.

The rest of my routers are running i2pd. notbob.i2p is mulit-homed. When you pull up my site, you are most likely going to get an i2pd clone of the site. Hence the almost perfect uptime for notbob.i2p

As for the decline, I offer no answers. I just collect data.

I generate the graphs by collecting data that I can only use I2P+ to grab. It's has more features than i2pd and really lets me dig into the java to easily grab data.

Посетите мой сайт! http://notbob.i2p
