Unfortunately I don't understand the Russian language so please change the category of this thread if the default one is not correct.
What happened to zzz? Is he okay? Why did he leave the project so abruptly? What will happen to his very important website, where many people would go for answers to their questions?
These are some of the questions that I have in mind as an i2prouter user. I'm considering makeing the switch to i2pd.
In all seriousness, I have decided to suspend updating i2prouter. I will not update until zzz returns to provide assurances that he is safe and well or at such a time that I can audit the changes in the code personally, and then deterministically bulid both softwares myself.
The fact that zzz.i2p went offline so abruptly is a massive red flag for me personally. He and his resource zzz.i2p, was so, so important. It was both useful and importantly **open**. idk, all credit to him, has not been able to offer a comparable service, the Gitlab is not comparable. It goes without saying that while that resource is offline and unsearchable I2P is in a state of *serious* limbo, even just from a use-ability and UX perspective.
In the context of the recent DDoS attacks, perhaps now we know what the purpose of those attacks was. Perhaps the goal was to identify locations of important people or servers in the network to bring them down in some way?
For those who are here and perhaps want to examine the source code of i2prouter, and compare v2.1.0 to the latest v2.2.0, the code of the previous version is still accessible, Just go to http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/download-project and manually edit the link to the source code in two places from "2.2" to "2.1". The signature file from zzz is also available the same way and when I run `gpg --verify-files <FILEPATH>' I get a valid signature from the trusted key.
Problem is I'm not an encryption expert nor an expert mathematician so I may not be able to read/compare the code very well.
Oh well, it looks like for the foreseeable future I am left having to read code that I may not understand. The benefit of doing that is, maybe I will find ways to improve I2P, both I2Prouter and maybe i2pd.
Anyway I am sad to see zzz go and I want to know what happened to cause the disappearance. Some in the forums were being a bit odd and saying things like they were pulling away from the project but I didn't really follow up to ask them why. Is anyone able to explain here?