achived wrote:
I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p
I read that thread but you have more of it than I read. I ask you does zzz sound like he is in desperation or deep conflict such that he would close up shop, wipe his site and disappear? No. The "diversity" angle is a faint and the real thrust is to take over I2P.
It's not paranoid to think he's been killed. Jews do this constantly.
Does anyone have pictures of idk? Is he known to be Jewish? Though he may be just a cut out acting as the head.
It's well known by anyone paying attention that every institution the Jews take over destroys itself or completely changes it's whole reason for being to support Jewish interest.
I will make a prediction. Over time java I2P will diverge from I2Pd such that they will have trouble inter-operating and the java I2P will be destructive of I2P as a whole. Let's see if I'm right. It will not happen overnight. It could be that some sort of infrastructure to accomplish this is already in the latest update code. It will be pushed as some innocuous bit of code to make things better in the future or some other such nonsense.