
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
21 сообщений
Wed, 10 May 2023, 03:43pm Пробема с android xmpp »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

Your question translated:
On the prosody server with i2pd configured, 3072 bits of ssl.(also checked with 2048 bits and 4096)
On a PC, the pidgin client is running
On the phone, in the monocles chat and conversations clients, i2p writes the domain is not verified and the domain is not verifiable, respectively

Most likely you have to register through Tor or clearnet with the xmpp server. If you tried xmpp.ilita.i2p you have to import their certificate. Try with danwin1210.de (see website). The i2p eepsite is daniel.i2p

Sat, 22 Apr 2023, 04:00pm Qball crystalball »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

I used PeerGuardian with i-block list until I could not get the list for free. Despite 3z objections I can tell you that they worked great for me on i2p. Eventualy some form of peerblock has to be implemented because the current one sucks. These are some options I found interesting.


Unrelated crap:
I'm getting attacked from Canada (oh Canada oh, oh, oh similar to Ausie oy,oy,oy). I don't know if it is at the ISP level (Sandvine is the popular choice there). I really did not expect this crap.

I really don't know why both Java and i2pd don't maintain packages with GUIX. i2pd did it a few times and now rely on Flatpak. If you want to do that why not have a Flatpak repo (create USB command)

Yandex Translate:

Я использовал PeerGuardian с i-block list до тех пор, пока не смог получить список бесплатно. Несмотря на возражения 3z, я могу сказать вам, что они отлично сработали для меня на i2p. В конце концов, должна быть реализована какая-то форма peerblock, потому что текущая - отстой. Вот несколько вариантов, которые показались мне интересными.

Несвязанное дерьмо:
На меня нападают из Канады (о, Канада, о, о, о, похоже на австралийский ой,ой,ой). Я не знаю, находится ли это на уровне интернет-провайдера (там популярен Sandvine). Я действительно не ожидал такого дерьма.

Я действительно не знаю, почему и Java, и i2pd не поддерживают пакеты с GUIX. i2pd делал это несколько раз и теперь полагается на Flatpak. Если вы хотите это сделать, почему бы не создать репозиторий Flatpak (команда create USB)

Mon, 17 Apr 2023, 05:44pm Has anyone noticed the sharp decline in sites being able to answer? »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

Around 2014 I start noticing 0 length routers with mumble servers from Georgia to known crypto for cash people that are in directories. After I reported this crap on both Def (now retrobbs) and alluded on 3z forum things stopped for a while. They restarted but with much better routers and tech. Eventually the whole network development moved into that direction. If you are an i2pbro and needs to eat I have no problem with you using crypto.

Around 2018 3z stopped traveling overseas. That was really a big alarm flag.

Looking at the inventory seized/confiscated from the rice-eater there is to much for a single person to steal and fence. Most likely Rice got cyber attack tools from the nearby NATO cyber warfare facility and license to steal and fence. Likely it was a group operation and sadly 3z got involved. The java router was manipulated for this purpose and now it is in trouble.

Why it got stopped? Rice probably stole from the wrong asshole that got the Feds to go after the perpetrators. 1 year of jail-time when they could have levied unpaid taxes organized crime etc we are talking Bernie Maddox life without parole crap. This is a deal between NATO and the Feds.

Sat, 15 Apr 2023, 02:28pm Has anyone noticed the sharp decline in sites being able to answer? »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

Notbob is using a variety of routers including i2pd. The last version of i2p+ was nothing exciting. Keep in mind that Java is maintained by accounting retards (you can read Wikipedia on Oracle)
You are correct that java i2p has been attacked at the human level. I can only speculate that this might have something to do with bitcoin. If you watch the current court case of the rice-eater from Peach-Neck-land (Georgia US) you can see that he got off with 1 year jail time. I can tell you that for years somebody in i2p ran bitcoin for cash in a variety of states from Peach-Neck-land . It was crap comms too. I reduced my number of routers to 1/3 because I don't need the screen time with this belligerent stance.
I have confidence in idk, MasterZab, i2pd and i2p+. If only I can convey this attitude to some rusky hack clouds. This is not the time to attack i2pd users. It does not help the network and you are discovered in seconds... really seconds.

Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 06:37am Last automatic update from zzz, magnet file »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

QT i2pd Honour Among Bros

I just got fedup with Flathub blocking QT i2pd from anonymous locations. If you are the QT i2pd developer and you are getting paid by downloads, please state your objection.

I'm not going to eat brown from IBM. Free software is FREE. I have a plan to release the sideload on Drive 3Z aka Postman to go with the current GUIX pack or create a special GUIX pack with flatpak sideload. Please state objections!

Yandex Rusky!
QT i2pd Честь среди братьев

Мне просто надоело, что Flat hub блокирует QT i2pd из анонимных местоположений. Если вы являетесь разработчиком QTi 2 pd и вам платят за скачивание, пожалуйста, сформулируйте свое возражение.

Я не собираюсь есть коричневое от IBM. Свободное программное обеспечение является БЕСПЛАТНЫМ. У меня есть план освободить боковую загрузку на диске 3 Zaka Postman для использования с текущим пакетом GUIX или создать специальный пакет GUIX с боковой загрузкой flatpak. Пожалуйста, сформулируйте возражения!

Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 06:16pm Mourning the loss of zzz for I2P »
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

This is not rusky. Doma is home... for example

ACETONE the Original What? or the SWEDES must try this one

Check postman Apps for yggdrasil debian no repo neccessary.
Avenge Napalm Daddy's forum!
Yandex Rusky:
Подходите ближе, ребята! Доступен Иггдрасиль, сгенерированный Guix. Я понятия не имею, работают ли они. Я уменьшил свой вес, и, похоже, у меня на коричневой дырочке "яблочко", которое мешает мне наклоняться. Приветствуются специалисты i2pd. Не используйте в своей хорошей системе. Они находятся ниже уровня тестирования.

Step right up folks! Guix generated Yggdrasill available. I have no idea if they work with any of the routers. I reduced my routers and it looks like I have a bullseye on my brown hole that prevents me from bending over. The i2pd specialists welcome. Don't use on your good system. These are below testing grade (computer generated GUIX).

I ain't got cheese to give you for the wine. Stop morning and action baby... it's not like you knew him personally.
