
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 05:36am #31
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

Much appreciation for the link. I will download them.

VargThePissed wrote:

I found a torrent
"I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023"

I would think it would have the relevant software before the "change", if it can be verified.


You say it won't download but I did. Here is the magnet file. Maybe with just the magnet file you can pick it up with DHT. A question are you upgraded to the latest I2P version? If so...maybe it is stopping it? I have no proof of this.


or just the magnet hash alone


As for "global homo" it's just a nickname for the deep State as they seem to be pushing the homo, trans, whatever along with all the other vile putrid things they are doing.

As for your take on the Jews I'm not sure if you are dissimulating, parroting what the Jews have constantly programmed you to say from repetition in their media, or you are just naive and have really not payed attention the the overwhelming mass of destruction they have caused. You are repeating their talking points AND deflecting what they have done by bringing in some irrelevant Muslim deaths. The Jews killed 60 million Russians, they say themselves, so how does this Christ Church attack even compare? What the point of bringing it up in comparison? None at all, that's what.

It's so may things they've done. There's a saying,"every single time", that's very prevalent, because it's true. Most every time you see some really bad screwed up stuff you will see a Jew involved at a high level. They usually hide behind someone else but they will be there at the upper levels.

You went on about George Bushes brother but he's just one guy. There's a huge, immense amount of Jews involved in 9-11. And there's no way possible that it was not a Jew operation. There's also no way possible that their media, and they own the bulk of all of it, is not controlled to hide this. It's extremely unlikely that you can tell me even the slightest thing about 9-11 that I do not already know.

If the Jews do not want to be targeted as a group for criticism or worse they had better learn to rein in the huge, stupendous amount of evil they are doing as a people. Baring that, they will all be blamed just as they blame Whites for every thing under the Sun, constantly all day and night long. What's good for them, group criticism of Whites, is good for us, group criticism of Jews, and in-grouping them as they do us. They don't want this, they should stop behaving that way.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 06:07am #32
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

"...Try not to be too frightened or alarmed by this..."

This is a silly thing to say. I'm not "frightened" by homos. I'm disgusted by them. It's disgusting and like all things disgusting we should try to have less of it. We certainty shouldn't promote it. You say we have always had it, true, but we have always had psychopathic murderers but I don't see anyone saying we should "understand" them. We have always had Down's syndrome children but I don't see anyone saying we should try to have more. And we have always had people who are anti-social assholes but no one is saying we should just try to understand their assholyiness.

Now one of the "arguments" used is that we should be tolerant and blah, blah, blah, but as an average homos have been known to be anti-social, they have a much higher rate of molesting children and due to some of these facts many are on the fringes of society and they tend to promote things NOT the interest of the wider society on average. We can see, that openness to their way of life has not changed any of this one bit. In fact there is no fervid gun toting hunting down of homos or much of any care at all what they do. It's their militant behavior where they believe that everyone should be forced to approve of their behavior that's the problem. No one cares. Let them do what they want but do not push their lifestyle on everyone else. But they will not do that. They believe different and are corralling people's children into forced attendance where they are told that there is something wrong with them if they do not approve of homosexuality. That being the case people who believe differently when faced with this sort of behavior are fully within their rights to forcefully fight them back and force them away from their children. There is no halfway that they will accept so...they will end up in a fight with their tactics.

I say Putin's take on this is the appropriate one. No direct harassment or suppression as long as they do not openly and publicly advocate for homo behavior or recruitment.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 06:13am #33
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

Could someone tell me, with steps for an imbecile to follow, how I can verify the files and source for the "bundle" I linked,and the link from fairlyNoobQuestions?

Where would I get zabs key, not the new fake one?

A link showing how would be fine. I'm not really asking for step by step only documentation of where to start.

My goal is to see what changes are in the source code by just comparing them directly.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 07:06am #34
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

OK BINGO!!! There's a message from the "real"

To try and find zlatinb's key I looked back at the postman downloads for muwire. That led me to zlatinb's github for muwire. In it he has posted this message and a saved irc log of what was said.

Now think about this. zab is likely to be the only one to have a pass to his github account so this verifies, reasonably well, that it is him saying this. Here's the address on the net,


Here's a open web address to his pastebin where he explains


Here's what it says is his GPG Fingerprint on the muwire page

471B 9FD4 5517 A5ED 101F C57D A728 3207 2D52 5E41

Here's an I2p address where he explains


Now the above address requires javascript so I'll copy and paste the text he posted in pastebin,

Hello guys,

My real name is Zlatin Balevsky, I have a LinkedIn account and my Twitter is "zlatinb". I'm generally not that interesting person but I was a contributor the I2P project for about 10 years. I resigned for some not so interesting reasons. But I just came back very briefly a few days ago and oh boy was there some serious BULLSHIT going on behind the scenes there. If you want to find out what that is, read on:

Some background:

There are two major implementations of I2P - a Java one (https://geti2p.net) and a C++ one (https://i2pd.website). Since I know Java, I was contributing to the Java one. However, after what I saw the last few days, I say STAY THE FUCK AWAY from that one. Seriously, use the C++ one. It is more rough around the edges but if you care at all about actually being safe and private use that and do not look back.

So, there is an IRC network inside I2P known as Irc2P. In fact, that's where pretty much all the action is. I'm going to paste some chat logs from the #i2p-dev channel inside the Irc2P network. If you want to verify that I'm not bullshitting you, they are also available at http://major.i2p/irc2p/i2p-dev/2023/01/18 (but you need to be running an I2P software to access this site.)

Cast of characters:
zlatinb - myself
zzz - lead developer of the Java implementation
echel|off - that's a very interesting one.. He has given me a *supposedly* real name and *supposedly* works at some university in Austria. But after going through this shit I am seriously 100% convinced that's a front.
orignal - lead developer of the C++ implementation. Twitter handle "orignali2p"
Xeha - some guy I've noticed hanging around that approached me because he had also observed the bullshit.
obscuratus & dr|z3d - interesting for other reasons but they only say 1 or 2 lines in the excerpt below.

So, here we go. Be warned, I seriously lose my shit in this conversation because I believed in what I was doing for the 10 years I contributed to this project. Oh and I donated 1000 BTC to that asshole eche|off, but that was back when BTC was cheap so it doesn't mean that much. I seriously can't tell you how fucking disappointed I am.

Hello again, it is me. I am afraid I am going to waste a little more of your time. Also a little more space in the major.i2p logs.
This time I would like to address a slight concern I have with the behaviour of a long-time I2P member eche|off
My concern can be summarized the following way:
eche|off: you are an absolute piece of shit. You are an useless Nazi, who is also a hypocryte and is not worth to be even mentioned in the team page.
Just because you have been sitting on your fat ass for 10 years not doing a damn thing and collecting the money does not give you the righ to put bullshit woke statements on the website
more specifically you do not have the FUCKING right to say that the I2P project as a whole support bullshit woke causes like LGBT BLM and all that crap.
you did not consult any other team member when you put that statement on the website.
Therefore my answer for you is NO
and you can interpret that in any way you like
(although I recommend you interpret it as you going to a not so a pleasant place for an extended period of time)
goodbye guys!
Dang, he left. I wanted to find out how his application to seminary was going.
you can find him in #ls2
sorry, just thought I'd drop in the link to the git commit that eche|off made on his own accord without asking anyone else:
now I'm really fucking off. Goodnight!
Actually, I decided that I am going to hang around here (where let's not forget everything gets logged into major.i2p)
The reason I am hanging out here is because I have noticed over the 10 years I have worked on I2P massive amounts of lies and deception by some prominent community members.
This type of behavior I affectionately call "Bullshit"
I was just told by a long term community member RN that "Each To His Own" was as far as "she" was aware a quote on top of a concentration camp.
However, I seem to have been lead to believe this was a quote from the Holy Bible.
Now, if you are the type of person who trusts Google, do go ahead and see what they say.
If however you are the type of person who likes to actually perform due diligence before making up their own mind, it might behoove you to find an actual Bible and see if that quote is really there.
So let's have a little deathmatch: Google VS Bible
hello my good friend orignal
let's have some $FUN
however, it has to be in Anglais
Let's see, who else shall we fuck with tonight?
everybody: raise your hand if you support any of the following idiocies: BLM,LGBT,Climate Change
orignal: feel free to add to the list
oh, I forgot my favorite one: Women's rights aka Feminism
Let's do it!
Come at me :)
Blinded message
Alright, nobody is biting, so let's up the ante
How about: Science
And while we are it, let's add: Medicine
maybe "trust the science"?
To repeat the question: if you believe in any of the lies (or more affectionately "Bullshit") that I have listed, you are welcome to take a step forward.
100% bro!
Ok, upping the ante even more. Let's add:
(see where I'm getting at?)
Aw fuck it, I'll say it right here:
I almost capitalized it, but good thing I caught myself on time.
Come on guys don't tell me I haven't offended anybody yet?
How about your precious feelings?
Where are Toronto dudes? Sadie, Fox
Sadie is a B.I.T.C.H. and hasn't been around for ages.
Let's try to be clever: How about Yoga!
Or even better: Veganism
Hmm, how about Inclusivity (that's a clever one)
Progress - that's one of my favorites
Guys you gotta be kidding me, you can't tell me you are afraid to step up in front of me to defend your belief in Progress
orignal: I know what your favorite is, so feel free to say it out loud:
(and let's not forget about major.i2p)
I'll tweet so that maybe more people can join this fun game.
Ok, Tweet is out, but for some BULLSHIT reason the clearnet logs of major.i2p seem to be somewhat not quite there.
Hmm, maybe I should just mention Dr. Faucci in the tweet cause you guys are all "бабьй"
Excellent word :)
Ok, Tweet to Dr. Faucci sent. Let's see if shows up :)
oh oh, missed a "he"
need to slow donw
uh oh x2
Hi guise, where is my good old friend eche? Not hanging around much lately?
o/ zzz - I've got bunches of torrents, so thanks for adding the snark search feature; it's working well here and is quite useful :D
thanks for your test and report T3s|4
Oh ny friend eche|off is back. Happy to talk to you old friend.
s/friend/piece of shit/
Since you are actually here, why don't you explain under what authority you made that commit to the i2p.www Git repository which I have posted earlier?
You just "waltzed" in (yeah since Austrians have good waltzes) and decided to "randomly" pledge I2P's allegiance to LGBT?
Or are you going to say you talked to zzz or maybe sadie?
Cause if you try that angle zzz is right here to confirm or deny it.
And I actually remember sending you an email over i2pmail asking you to talk about this commit but you ignored it completely.
And if you would like me to prove that, all I would need is to look at mail.i2p account. Unless postman is in kahootz with you of course.
And if you try to say you did talk to sadie, then I would like to say 2 things:
1. Who the fuck is she in the first place? She is about the most inconsequential member of the team.
wtf is this?
just zlatinb going a bit too much into "the bible is all"
but we got rules in here and one esp. is no logging or no harrassment, so
huh? this channel is logged
and zzz actually approved it
every user in here can log and post
via major service
we do not approve not encourage logging or alike
those are fals accusmenets of zlatinb
who tries to harrass us now because we do not follow his ideal of the bible
nope, when acetone started the IRC logger with major, he asked every OP in each channel if logging would be ok
check your logs :)
also you arent a +o in this channel, why are you abusing your IRC OP powers again?
let zzz deal with his decisions
as I am IRC OP operator, I manage the IRC network
including htis channel
and all OPs do know this
and no need to harrass me about this
eche doesn't need my help or advice, he's the boss
yea, thats why #ls2 was created
so its again, you ignoring your own rules and being a facist... ok. i'll shut it too
sorry, cant talk about it anymore or i'll get banned too
think whatever you may, I follow my rules and apply them to my services.
its not your service
its postman's
you may run your services.
it is mine
I can shut it down if I like to.
no, im connected to postmans not yours
who telly you it is not mine?
but you have IRC OPs due to being a federated net
trust me, it is mine
so irc.postman.i2p is yours too?
no answer?
so either its not yours (you lied) or you own both (hostile takeover), which is it?
i've specifically selected postmans server due to the shit in the past
that its a federated net is obvious to me
whoever runs the single IRC nodes is not important, even if those are run/controlled by a single instance. its the list of IC Oper, who manages the whole net and services and do own them.
and no one said a single instance do own both destiantions of IRC hosts, neither more than one do.


If you made it this far, well done. You know how to get in touch with me. I'm still hanging out on another IRC network inside the I2P network called "Ilita" and use same nickname. That network is ran by the I2Pd (the C++) guys and I trust them one bazillion times more than the Java idiots.

Take care,
Zlatin Balevsky

So it looks like

which I assume is eche|on

has somehow weaseled his way into the administrative control, then taken the whole thing over and locked out the real programmers and creators.

This is SO JEWISH that you have no idea how much this happens. People let me give some advice never ever let the Jews get control of the keys to the door or control of the cash flow of any institution or project because you will soon see yourself locked out while they take over and drive it right into the ground. It's just what they do.

Everything the Jews take over turns to shit. Everything.

I think it safe to assume that the java I2P is done for. The version is likely fine but everything going forward is likely to be ruined in some way or another.

I can see it. Happens all the time with Jews. I can see eche|on saying,"oh sure, I'll take care of that administrative task for you", "oh sure I'll make sure the funds are distributed properly" and THEN changes the pass, steals the money, locks out the real programmers.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 04:14pm #35
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 30 Mar 2023
Сообщения: 16

I haven't bothered to read the all the different posts because they diverge from the topic of the thread. Here is exactly what happened:

1. In 2018 I proposed that the Java I2P project start a paid program. Echelon kept the funds and as far as I have been told bitcoins exchanged hands and zzz didn't pay taxes on them.

2. Echelon made the commit to the website about LGBT and inclusion whenever.

3. I resigned when the Dread forum came to I2P

4. Few months later I confronted echelon on IRC #i2p-dev and he banned me. Then I went to #ls2 and tried to bring zzz into it but he refused. All of this can be verified with the logs on http://major.i2p

5. I couldn't believe that zzz had willingly been working for echelon and I doxed him:

5.1 First I posted what I knew about him in #i2p-dev and then on Twitter. The tweet was deleted.

5.2 That wasn't enough, I wanted his blood so I sent a letter in the snail mail with IRS form 3949-A. I don't know if it has arrived but nobody has contacted me yet, and if they do I will refuse to give any evidence.

7. I reached out to zzz and asked him to come back to I2P very recently. There has been no response yet. If he returns I will stay out of his way and let him do his thing.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 08:10pm #36
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Well found, Varg. Good detective work, if its a true repesentation, and I think it might be.

zlatinb wrote:

I haven't bothered to read the all the different posts because they diverge from the topic of the thread. Here is exactly what happened:

1. In 2018 I proposed that the Java I2P project start a paid program. Echelon kept the funds and as far as I have been told bitcoins exchanged hands and zzz didn't pay taxes on them.

2. Echelon made the commit to the website about LGBT and inclusion whenever.

3. I resigned when the Dread forum came to I2P

4. Few months later I confronted echelon on IRC #i2p-dev and he banned me. Then I went to #ls2 and tried to bring zzz into it but he refused. All of this can be verified with the logs on http://major.i2p

5. I couldn't believe that zzz had willingly been working for echelon and I doxed him:

5.1 First I posted what I knew about him in #i2p-dev and then on Twitter. The tweet was deleted.

5.2 That wasn't enough, I wanted his blood so I sent a letter in the snail mail with IRS form 3949-A. I don't know if it has arrived but nobody has contacted me yet, and if they do I will refuse to give any evidence.

7. I reached out to zzz and asked him to come back to I2P very recently. There has been no response yet. If he returns I will stay out of his way and let him do his thing.

If all the above is true, then I2P Java's Lead Dev appears to have been attacked by, what seems, a self-loathing, closet homosexual Christian. It could be seen as humorous but zzz does not in any way deserve to be doxxed for not filing the income as taxable, zzz is supposed to be anonymous, it makes absolutely no sense for him to out himself to the State.

Zab, if the above is correct, you have risked the future of a free internet for your pride. It seems as though you are losing an ideological (and puritanical) debate and so you start to play dirty and 'play the man', as I wrote about above on another issue, this makes you the loser in the debate. In your puritanical struggle you are losing your integrity. If the above is true, you also resort to cussing and name-calling. Do you not see that you are in the wrong here, and you need to think hard about a few things, including your own sexuality, as it does seem that you may be high on the homosexual spectrum. For someone to have such a visceral disgust towards homosexuality and it would seem, 'feminism', its possible that you may rank quite high on the homosexual spectrum. Its quite possible that during your upbringing you were made to feel inferior for your feelings towards men and you are still living in that state of fear of being exposed as inferior. Have you considered getting help?

It looks like zzz is gone because you outed him to a military contracted platform, Twitter. He is either dead or in fear of his life because of you. Well done.

God only knows how much time we have before the Golang version replaces the Java one, now.


There is another possibility that zab's apparent puritanical motivations are a red-herring. He may be simply playing a Christian character to explain away the destructive behavior. I say this because he seems to have two very distinct tones in his writing, one bellicose and cartoonish in its bigotry, and another that is quite pragmatic and reasoned. Therefore I'm tipping towards his behavior being an act, a means to an end, that end is to hurt the I2P network. I'm willing to say zab is a spook, or has been co-opted or corrupted by a spook at some point. Why might I2P be under attack? In many respects, I2P is better than Tor and thus it poses a threat to Tor. That's what I think this is really about.

The "culture wars" such as anti-gay, are typically used by counter-intelligence to deflect. I think I2P is under very, serious attack. We should probably bunker down and try to find a way to have code audited, starting from when the DDOS began late last year. In the rush to handle the DDOS, a vulnerability may have slipped in undetected.


Why might the torrent file not be available on postman's website? I'll try again that some future time.

Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 11:47pm #37
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

I don't think the person posting as zlatinb here is zab.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"Well found, Varg. Good detective work, if its a true repesentation, and I think it might be..."

Then fairlyNoobQuestions goes into this long set of statements that as far as I can see have zero data to back them up. This appears to be another of the standard tricks of the Jews. Someone who was to run across this thread would see,"Well found, Varg" and then see all this made up stuff and connect it to me as having "found" this. I found no such thing. All the above by fairlyNoobQuestions and the fake zlatinb appear to be completely made up.

I searched the logs of,


and did not see what they said was there. Some of the comments in the logs were censored from the original so we really have no idea what they said.

I will tell you what we do know for a fact is that the major developers for java I2P have been driven off and their sites are defunct. All the other stuff above this by others have nothing to back them up but someone who appears to be pretending to be zlatinb and another person making excuses for Jews, fairlyNoobQuestions, and backing up what appears to be a fake zlatinb.

Fri, 31 Mar 2023, 09:39am #38
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

VargThePissed wrote:

I don't think the person posting as zlatinb here is zab.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"Well found, Varg. Good detective work, if its a true repesentation, and I think it might be..."

Then fairlyNoobQuestions goes into this long set of statements that as far as I can see have zero data to back them up. This appears to be another of the standard tricks of the Jews. Someone who was to run across this thread would see,"Well found, Varg" and then see all this made up stuff and connect it to me as having "found" this. I found no such thing. All the above by fairlyNoobQuestions and the fake zlatinb appear to be completely made up.

I searched the logs of,


and did not see what they said was there. Some of the comments in the logs were censored from the original so we really have no idea what they said.

I will tell you what we do know for a fact is that the major developers for java I2P have been driven off and their sites are defunct. All the other stuff above this by others have nothing to back them up but someone who appears to be pretending to be zlatinb and another person making excuses for Jews, fairlyNoobQuestions, and backing up what appears to be a fake zlatinb.

Now they've resorted to filling the whole forum with word salad spam t hide the truth. The comment above is the last one I made. All after that is word salad until this one.

I made a comment just before this one that showed the real zab, from his muwire github, which only he has the pass, said that java I2P has been taken over and no longer safe, basically. The response was a lot of non-sourced character attacks on zab which the above comment was a response to.

The comment I made is #34 and the link is


Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 01:42pm #39
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Varg wrote:

another person making excuses for Jews, fairlyNoobQuestions, and backing up what appears to be a fake zlatinb

May I ask what was "fake"? It was yourself who presented the IRC dialog and I am building the case that a self-loathing homosexual, Christian character is created as a red-herring to explain away I2P's destruction. If you are saying that the dialog you've presented by zlatinb here is not the real zab, that's not only possible but aligns with my hypothesis, which I may add, I always posed as a hypothesis.

It is useful to the large State actor to have people in the I2P community think that this is only about an ideological divide on the topic of "homosexuality" or "trans rights" etc. What the most evil destructive forces do is try to use any internal division and escalate that to create harm and cause maximum confusion. So I'm agreeing with you, I2P is under serious attack and I think it has nothing to do with "homosexuality", but about what I2P delivers to people. I2P is THE FREE INTERNET WE NEED and it has recently formed a network-level backbone to the most important technological advancement for the people since electricity; bitcoin.

I simply extend the DDOS attack further back to not just December, but mid-to-late Oct 2022, if my memory on the timing is correct. I must draw attention to a fact that has yet to be mentioned in this thread; how Reddit boards formed the first part of the attack. It was a form of DDOS on Reddit because apparently those boards were (maybe still are) an important on-boarding tool and bad actors on that platform were allegedly asking legitimate I2P questions while at the same time expressing interest in conducting illegal activity, thus by helping those alleged "persons" any i2p dev could be accused of aiding unlawful activity which provides a pretext to come after I2P, both as a network and possibly individual devs. It may also be an attempt to downgrade the Reddit boards' performance on search engines.

As was reported in zzz's forum (zzz.i2p) at the time of the Reddit Attack, idk largely was the one responding. I remember zzz commending idk on zzz.i2p forum how remarkable it was, to see that idk was accurately guessing the operating systems and the versions of i2p people were having problems with about, based on their descriptions of problems alone. (As a aside, I would like to point out here that Reddit is a dangerous platform with an accused genocide perpetrator and war criminal from the US State on its Board of Directors, Jennifer Ashooh. I ask people to please never use Reddit and instead use decentralized social like ActivityPub/Mastodon). Or print something and give it to your neighbors.

In the above context, there is a possibility that code that might be typically checked thoroughly, may be less checked. Thus I broaden the scope for needed code review to mid-October and believe that we should be looking for even the most subtle of exploitable code.

Varg, as much as you might wish to believe it, not everyone with a slightly divergent understanding to you online is "a Jew". Due to being a part of the bitcoin stack we automatically attract the most vile and corrupt destructive opponents. Yes, their may be overlap, but I ask you to dust off your prejudices and think, please.

You are risking me thinking that you and the fake zlatinb are the same person. The fake zlatinb exists to plant the idea this was just an ideological "anti-homosexual, anti-trans" affair, and your anti-Jew identity exists to repel any further serious discussion, which I should reiterate, are at times both equally cartoonish in tone and nature to the anti-gay rhetoric we've seen from zlatinb, and is a known method used by large State actors to have sites attacked.

Yes, Zionism and land theft done by the Israel State and the way that State, together with the US have conducted themselves, together with other non-Jewish states, to control resources and invoke large-scale murders is bad. Most people know this; but when you conflate to all Jewish people and you see "Jews" everywhere its not helping anything here. Please think.

Last edited: Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 02:13pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 05:53pm #40
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

I'm pleased to report that the aforementioned I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023).torrent is now available Postman's tracker.

I have also posted it here in this most helpful forum for needed redundancy, but it would be great if someone with some authority might confirm that indeed the above torrent file is a correct.and true representation from the time the author made it in Feb. I regret that I'm not an expert in the area of verifying torrent files and the fact that others may be sharing the file and its data doesn't sufficiently prove anything. What I know is the torrent file was not available for a time until very recently.

Maybe there is a way we can compare the magnet link to the file?

There is a maxim, "Don't trust, verify". I seek to uphold that wherever possible.

Thanks, and thanks to everyone who uses this fine forum for their continued patience as we seek to understand troubling recent events in I2P's history.

Last edited: Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 05:59pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Mon, 03 Apr 2023, 02:18am #41
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

fairlyNoobQuestions,"... I am building the case that a self-loathing homosexual, Christian character is created as a red-herring to explain away I2P's destruction..."

You have not proved that and in fact it is in itself evidence of fraud that you should try to do this. Keep your anti-Christen hatred to yourself. Jews really hate Christen and try to lie about them and assign their motives to things other than what they are constantly. For over a couple thousand years.

Another tactic of the Jews is to attribute homosexuality to people who are opposed to homosexuality. This is done constantly. Has been for many, many decades. You doing this with no backing evidence is a good example.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"... If you are saying that the dialog you've presented by zlatinb here is not the real zab..."

I didn't say that and anther typical Jew dodge to keep attributing meanings other than what someone has said. You've done that several times in just a few paragraphs. You can barely type a word without trying to distort and malign the meaning others write. It's like some sort of parrot box. Shows that you are not honestly seeking answers.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"... It is useful to the large State actor to have people in the I2P community think that this is only about an ideological divide on the topic of "homosexuality" or "trans rights" etc..."

Quite likely the only thing we will agree on.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"... As was reported in zzz's forum (zzz.i2p) at the time of the Reddit Attack, idk largely was the one responding. I remember zzz commending idk on zzz.i2p forum how remarkable it was, to see that idk was accurately guessing the operating systems and the versions of i2p people were having problems with about, based on their descriptions of problems alone..."

Quite likely made up. We can't confirm because zzz's site is down. This is another tactic of the Jews. The Jews after WWII said that all these Jews had been killed in all these German camps. Well it was proven to be a lie so eventually they ended up saying all of them had been killed in Auschwitz and other camps which were conveniently behind the iron curtain so no one could check. We of course now have seen inspections of the camps and read the files from these camps and know there was no,"the Nazis loaded up the Jews in train cars, gassed them and burnt them up in ovens" A total fabrication. Maybe if one day zzz's site comes back maybe w will find the above is more of the same. I ask why can't you use any real evidence that can be checked?

A further tactic displayed in this same paragraph is the Jews link to each other saying(in essence),"this is a good source and a good guy", and if they possibly can they make the link such that you can't confirm anything. It's only a huge wilderness of Jews linking more Jews endlessly, and all of them pushing lies.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"...Varg, as much as you might wish to believe it, not everyone with a slightly divergent understanding to you online is "a Jew"..."

You and others don't want people to think you are Jews, stop acting like Jews. It's very simple. This is not complicated. Jews have a way of feeding disinformation to people and it appears they are taught this in some textbook or other and it shows. It's like a list of tricks they throw up, very similar to magician tricks, but with words. It's very distinctive.

fairlyNoobQuestions,"...blah, blah, blah...

Yeah right...sure.

The rest you vomit up is just more Jew tricks where you attempt to link me to all sorts of, whatever, with no evidence, etc. , etc.

It's the same old Jew dodge, babble and bullshit.

Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 12:53pm #42
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Parag 01. False + anti-Jewish-hatred (AJH)
Parag 02. Fighting above evidence of signs of self-loathing + AJH
Parag 03. False. You did imply such, quoted here
Parag 04. Agreement on "It is useful to the large State actor to have people in the I2P community think that this is only about an ideological divide on the topic of "homosexuality" or "trans rights" etc..."
Parag 05. Varg was likely not on zzz forums in Oct/Nov 2022. Serious AJH and propaganda, possibly to cause a future attack on these forums.
Parag 06. Non-sequitous AJH. Straw-manning.
Parag 07. Non-sequitous AJH.
Parag 08. Dismissive
Parag 09. Dismissive with AJH
Parag 10. Dismissive with AJH

Twice I have asked about thoughts on Cloudflare in this thread and the response has been a quite pronounced nothing.

At some point we must move on.

Last edited: Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 01:17pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 01:19pm #43
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

I surmise that I2P is being attacked by a highly organised entity.

Moving forward, I feel the solution to this needs to be community-based. As zzz wrote in his last news post on 15 Feb titled "DDoS Update", "even after 20 years, the I2P network is relatively small". If memory serves, last year I read that I2P enjoys approx 50k-100k participants globally. To put that into context, Tor in Germany alone had around 150k users last I checked so it is possible to boost the number of I2P participants by 4x easily. If we do, we will likely boost the number of eyes reading the code also.

Thus why not propose a Computer Meetup in your local area? Call it something fun like, "THE HATING COMPUTERS CLUB" or try a pun of some kind, people respond well to funny names so do enjoy thinking of a clever but punchy name. Print on the flyer some questions that you would like to ask at the public meetup, including a question seeking answers on the recent DDoS attack on the I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) network. Unless you are printing the flyer yourself, omit the time and location and write that on manually later to prevent Printer Tipoff Attack. People will likely be curious and seek out more info on I2P, even if they do not attend your public meeting! Letterbox every household in the area, or a minimum of 500. Some people prefer to letterbox every second household and inform as such on the flyer to encourage interested persons to share their interest with their neighbor. Don't be too fancy or fussy with the design, keep it simple, black and white, keep it affordable.

At the meetup ask people if they have I2P and if not offer, them basic instructions on how to setup the best way you know, with the version that you think is most secure. This is how we help THE FREE AND FAIR INTERNET, I2P.

As written previously:


V2.1.0 IF YOU REQUIRE IT, for example:

- SOURCE CODE i2psource_2.1.0.tar.bz2 2023-01-10 22:12 31M
- SOURCE CODE i2psource_2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig 2023-01-10 22:12 566
- LINUX INSTALL i2pinstall_2.1.0.jar 2023-01-10 22:12 28M
- LINUX INSTALL i2pinstall_2.1.0.jar.sig 2023-01-10 22:12 566

HERE IS THE PUBLIC KEY FOR zzz that I have been using for a long while and that I still see online.

- I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023).torrent at Postman's tracker
- Copy of torrent file here

Anyone is welcom to share links for I2PD's full software package + source history in the interests of having a page where people can come to get both versions during a meetup.

Let's get organised, set a community meetup, you don't even need to reveal you were the organiser!

Thu, 06 Apr 2023, 03:27am #44
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29


There's not one single thing wrong with hating the Jews. In fact only Jews, and brain washed idiots, care about this. The Jews hate everyone on the planet and want, or so they say, and act like it, to make them all their slaves. The vast amount of blackmail, child rape, attacks, like 9-11, false flags, on an on. If you don't hate the Jews you are a fool.

Even if you are a Jew the things they have done have always backfired. Over a thousand different countries and States have thrown you out. You've always been able to move on because of lack of communications between countries and States. That's changed. Your strategy has become untenable.

It also appears that your mind viruses don't work on the East, so there you've been stopped cold. This only appears to work on open individualist societies like the west. So now you are destroying them, your lessor threat, and you can not destroy the larger threat, the east. Your destroying your own base of operations and undermining the trust based societies you need to survive. You are all fools. You are exactly like that African tribe that had some "prophet" who said if the tribe destroyed all their cattle the White man would leave. They of course perished, as you will.

Think of the huge waste of your lives going around plotting this and plotting that. With the same amount of energy you put into to parasiting you could make the world a better place for everyone. But you don't, so in the end you will get what you deserve.

"...Let's get organised, set a community meetup, you don't even need to reveal you were the organiser!..."

What a great idea. Meet up with Jews to organize!

Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 03:01am #45
Registered: April 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 27 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 3

I have urgent news. Upon reading Varg's plea, the Jews of the world have unanimously agreed to stop doing things that Varg doesn't like.

To demonstrate true commitment to this cause, they have agreed to rebrand themselves as "Vargs" instead of "Jews".

From now on, the renamed Vargs are only going to do cool stuff and I think we can trust that the Vargs are now looking to a bright future.

We can now close this thread.

Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 11:44am #46
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

"...From now on, the renamed Vargs are only going to do cool stuff..."

I knew it. I just knew they would see the light and listen to reason if I tried hard enough.
