
Форум, посвященный разработке и поддержке i2pd
Fri, 17 Mar 2023, 05:29pm #1
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Mon, 15 May 2023
Сообщения: 10


Unfortunately I don't understand the Russian language so please change the category of this thread if the default one is not correct.

What happened to zzz? Is he okay? Why did he leave the project so abruptly? What will happen to his very important website, where many people would go for answers to their questions?

These are some of the questions that I have in mind as an i2prouter user. I'm considering makeing the switch to i2pd.

In all seriousness, I have decided to suspend updating i2prouter. I will not update until zzz returns to provide assurances that he is safe and well or at such a time that I can audit the changes in the code personally, and then deterministically bulid both softwares myself.

The fact that zzz.i2p went offline so abruptly is a massive red flag for me personally. He and his resource zzz.i2p, was so, so important. It was both useful and importantly **open**. idk, all credit to him, has not been able to offer a comparable service, the Gitlab is not comparable. It goes without saying that while that resource is offline and unsearchable I2P is in a state of *serious* limbo, even just from a use-ability and UX perspective.

In the context of the recent DDoS attacks, perhaps now we know what the purpose of those attacks was. Perhaps the goal was to identify locations of important people or servers in the network to bring them down in some way?

For those who are here and perhaps want to examine the source code of i2prouter, and compare v2.1.0 to the latest v2.2.0, the code of the previous version is still accessible, Just go to http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/download-project and manually edit the link to the source code in two places from "2.2" to "2.1". The signature file from zzz is also available the same way and when I run `gpg --verify-files <FILEPATH>' I get a valid signature from the trusted key.

Problem is I'm not an encryption expert nor an expert mathematician so I may not be able to read/compare the code very well.

Oh well, it looks like for the foreseeable future I am left having to read code that I may not understand. The benefit of doing that is, maybe I will find ways to improve I2P, both I2Prouter and maybe i2pd.

Anyway I am sad to see zzz go and I want to know what happened to cause the disappearance. Some in the forums were being a bit odd and saying things like they were pulling away from the project but I didn't really follow up to ask them why. Is anyone able to explain here?

Fri, 17 Mar 2023, 07:22pm #2
Registered: February 2016
Последний раз: 10 часов назад
Сообщения: 211

In-seriousness wrote:


What happened to zzz? Is he okay?

He has decided to take a break.

In-seriousness wrote:

The fact that zzz.i2p went offline so abruptly is a massive red flag for me personally. He and his resource zzz.i2p, was so, so important.

The last topic there was the discussion of "Inclusion" section on I2P project eepsite http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/contact .
Many users didn't agree with it. I guess zzz didn't want another conflict and just put zzz.i2p down.

Last edited: Fri, 17 Mar 2023, 07:37pm от orignal

Sat, 18 Mar 2023, 11:27am #3
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Mon, 15 May 2023
Сообщения: 10

orignal wrote:

The last topic there was the discussion of "Inclusion" section on I2P project eepsite http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/contact .
Many users didn't agree with it. I guess zzz didn't want another conflict and just put zzz.i2p down.

Thanks. Hearing that, something still sounds untoward. I never saw that thread and I checked the forum shortly before the site disappeared, sounds like a rush job, and a rush job is a suspect one.

Who are the people that didn't want his contact details on the site?

Who is interested in taking on a greater role in volunteering towards I2P, now. I would assume that those ppl unhappy with the past direction will be interested in moving I2P forward. What are their ideas? I'm very interested

Also if someone knows how we can get the zzz.i2p site back online in an archive format at a bare minimum, that would be very very helpful for those who might need it as a reference. Thanks. I would host an archived copy myself.

Sat, 18 Mar 2023, 12:04pm #4
Registered: February 2016
Последний раз: 10 часов назад
Сообщения: 211

In-seriousness wrote:

Who are the people that didn't want his contact details on the site?

It was not about contact details on the site, but LGBT support in the "Inclusion" section.

Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 06:12am #5
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

It appears that the Jews have murdered zzz and taken over the java based I2P. Likely this first update is somewhat ok but soon they will slip in code to spy in you.

My apologies for not speaking Russian. I know as a US citizen Russians are not so inclined to cut any of us any slack. I only plead to have some compassion for the USA. You once were in the same position. The same happened to you in the past when the Jews took over Russia , murdered the Czar, all the priest and countless innocent citizens. The USA has been taken over by the Jews and totally corrupted. It took you in Russia a long time to get out from under the yoke of the psychopathic Jews. We are not your enemy. The Jewish bankers that run the US are.

Myself I thought I stopped the update by deleting it from I2Psnark and turning off updates. But it did update. So I took the last known zzz update i2pupdate-2.1.0.su3 renamed it to i2pupdate.zip, then put it in my program folder and it updated it backwards rolling it back to 2.1.0. I turned off updates. Have to see if this remains so. I intend to start using I2Pd as java I2P can no longer be trusted.

Finally I will never, ever believe that zzz would, without saying a single word, just drop his site and totally disappear like this. No one does this after working on something for over a decade. I think they murdered him.

This happening shortly after zab quits and "supposedly" moves to a monastery. I'm not buying that. Maybe zab got the message and quit but zzz refused so they killed him.

Last edited: Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 09:07am от VargThePissed

Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 04:18pm #6
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Mon, 15 May 2023
Сообщения: 10

Thanks for the added context.

Unsure if one religion is at the heart of this but I too deleted (or stopped) the torrent download from i2psnark but yes the download restarted and I couldn't workout out why or how; It was not in i2psnark. While it was downloading I hurried to stop the router. I also clicked the update heading and it went to this page ( and from there I set the "Update Policy" to "Notify Only".

idk seems ok, but the way he develops is strange, Gitlab requires javascript. He also seems too interested in porting I2P to Go, which is a threat in itself depending on your threat model.

The general trajectory:

Taking a long view of I2P, we can see that the threat appears to be based on Bitcoin's I2P adoption. We now have Twitter owned by Elon, a known shitcoiner and distraction merchant, confidence trickster, scammer, beneficiary of DARPA and cheap credit, and he and his terrible ideas are supported by the fakestream media. Bitcoin Twitter is likely being undermined as we speak. We know Tor is largely a controlled network now. Their failure to address the Cloudflare Menace in any meaningful way early in its internet takeover is an obvious sign that they are controlled.

I've been studying the I2P network for a while in relation to the digital feudalists and noticed that Akamai and Elon-owned servers were quite commonly being connected to. To a slightly lesser extent Cloudflare, Amazon and Microsoft but will double-check my numbers from a while back. All of these companies have clear links to US military and depend on the USD.

Anyway we may want to block them to avoid further attacks? When I block them I don't seem to have any issues.

A big network. Resources used to glean ASNs include this (archived) one https://web.archive.org/http://security.stackex...

The following known (ie. there may be more) ASNs are AS701 (imported by AS31377??) (incl Saranac, Verizon, Amazon), AS1299, AS6461 (imported by AS31377) (incl zayo, fastplanet, telstra, superloop, digitalEnergy, h4y, integra, pccwGlobal), AS7545 (!!!not all are akamai, manually crop!!!), AS8918 (CarrierOne?), AS12222, AS16625 (incl starhub, telstra, mobTelecom, embratel.net.br, emix.net.ae, taiwanMobile), AS16702, AS17334, AS18680, AS18717, AS20189, AS20940, AS21399 (imported by AS31377), AS22207, AS23454, AS23455, AS30675, AS31377, AS35993 (incl telstra.com), AS35994 (incl transTelco, durand.com.br, telstra), AS36183

NOTE: for (partial danger) AS54113 use the following bash command to remove non-amazon ranges:
grep -iB 2 'AWS\|amazon' FILEPATH_TO_WHOIS_OUTPUT > $(date "+%4Y%m")_00_amaz-AS54113-ofFastly.whois

AS7224, AS8987, AS14618 (aws, many different site services incl. atlassian), AS16509, AS38895 (also incl Amazon Asia-Pacific Resources Pty Ltd, Amazon Data Services Japan KK), AS39111, AS46489 (twitch), (partial danger) AS54113 (!!!see above to strip non-amazon from aws-fastly!!!)


Ranges published by the Microsoft itself at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confir... . Another resource is the 'Goodbye Big Five' firewall project, weirdly hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/dmehrotra/GoodbyeBigFive

AS3598, AS6182 (?), AS8068 (M'soft Edge), AS8069, AS8070 (M'soft Federal), AS8072 (?), AS8075, AS8812 (Temp Object), AS13811 (?), AS20046 (?), AS23468 (Xbox), AS26222 (?), AS36459 (github), AS62540 (Drake Holdings?)


AS4764 (!!!only 1 prefix for tesla engineering group in this ASN!!!)
AS7545 (!!!only 1 prefix for tesla engineering group in this ASN!!!)
AS13454 (twitter)
AS14593 (starlink, spacex)
AS17536 (!!!only 1 prefix for tesla engineering group in this ASN!!!)
AS18196 (starlink, spacex, incl india? 103.171..)
AS34602 (starlink)
AS35995 (twitter)
Not AS36492 (see google)
AS49854 (starlink russia)
AS50494 (starlink ukraine)
AS204791 (starlink crimea)
AS264228 (starlink/blink brazil)
AS394161 (tesla)
AS394363 (tesla)
AS394943 (tesla)

TBC: it was discovered that AS54113 (Fastly) leases IP ranges to Google and does not label them!
AS22577 (?)
AS36492 (involves SpaceX/Starlink)
AS41264 (incl Google IT)
AS394639 (inactive, 0 CIDR, according to ipinfo.io/AS394639)
AS396982 (GCP, 'cloud' services)

AS42138 (metaInc)


To process these ASN you'll need a liitle python helper script. It collapses IP address lists so that for example your firewall only needs to process one IP address range, like, rather than:

## PYTHON SCRIPT: IP Range Collapse
## --------------------------------
## Make a little helper script that can be used to pass a file to a built-in
## python3 function, collapse_addresses.

echo '#!/usr/bin/python3

from sys import stdin
from ipaddress import ip_network, collapse_addresses

networks = []

for line in stdin:

for addr in collapse_addresses(networks):
print(str(addr))' > IPRangeCollapse.py

## Make the file executable:
chmod +x IPRangeCollapse.py

I might as well put up the entire thing, now. It includes the collapsed IP addresses...



It's a law that anyone can read and use and its licensed by an amended GPLv3 that precludes employees of DIGITAL FEUDALISTS from working on it. Anyone with a linux system with 'iptables' should be able to follow it. It blocks entities like Cloudflare, Amazon and Google, that control more than 1 million IPv4 and other criteria.

I've been postponing publishing due to a minor bug where the 'blamed' application is very occasionally the wrong application. Also IPv6 is untested.

Public key is below and also here http://o7jgnp7bubzdn7mxfqmghn3lzsjtpgkbnpjjsn6d...

The Digital Feudalism Counter Action (DFCA) Law designed for even 'non-power' linux users to read and run:

The PGP signature for above file:

I hope it is ready, if someone wants to try it out please tell me how it goes. Walk through the steps slowly, please.



Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 04:21pm #7
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Mon, 15 May 2023
Сообщения: 10

Torrent here:

Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 08:33pm #8
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 19 Mar 2023
Сообщения: 1

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p before it went down.

Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 10:48pm #9
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

achived wrote:

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p

I read that thread but you have more of it than I read. I ask you does zzz sound like he is in desperation or deep conflict such that he would close up shop, wipe his site and disappear? No. The "diversity" angle is a faint and the real thrust is to take over I2P.

It's not paranoid to think he's been killed. Jews do this constantly.

Does anyone have pictures of idk? Is he known to be Jewish? Though he may be just a cut out acting as the head.

It's well known by anyone paying attention that every institution the Jews take over destroys itself or completely changes it's whole reason for being to support Jewish interest.

I will make a prediction. Over time java I2P will diverge from I2Pd such that they will have trouble inter-operating and the java I2P will be destructive of I2P as a whole. Let's see if I'm right. It will not happen overnight. It could be that some sort of infrastructure to accomplish this is already in the latest update code. It will be pushed as some innocuous bit of code to make things better in the future or some other such nonsense.

Sun, 19 Mar 2023, 11:25pm #10
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29


"...Anyway we may want to block them to avoid further attacks? When I block them I don't seem to have any issues..."

Much thanks for this but could you be more explicit. Like get these address, put them into this place in I2P? Maybe make a post with instructions for simpletons?

Mon, 20 Mar 2023, 03:36am #11
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 30 Mar 2023
Сообщения: 16

Sorry to butt into this thread, but I would like to draw everyone's attention (since I am an attention whore) to the FACT that "in-seriousness" provides data which can be verified if one cares enough to find out the truth.

At the same time, "VargThePissed" tries to implant direct links in your mind between things that may or may not be related. Pay attention to the phrase "everyone knows". Spreading rumors much?

Mon, 20 Mar 2023, 06:43am #12
Registered: March 2023
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VargThePissed wrote:

achived wrote:

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p

I read that thread but you have more of it than I read.

Isn't that a key bit? Since you are VargThePissed is it possible your anger made you a little rushed and you didn't care enough to read the whole thing?

Or was it that you opted for an easier source of information that wasn't entirely accurate?

And sine I'm a religious nutcase on top of being a schizophrenic, being pissed off (Wrath) is a Sin, and so is laziness(Sloth)

Mon, 20 Mar 2023, 09:33am #13
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 30 Mar 2023
Сообщения: 16


I imported your GPG key, but when I tried to email you I got the following response:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

Unrouteable address

I was ready to trust you because I respect people who are smarter than me. But you failed this simple test.

Moral of the story: don't think you can outsmart the Devil. That is the Sin of Pride.

Mon, 20 Mar 2023, 02:28pm #14
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

zlatinb wrote:

VargThePissed wrote:

achived wrote:

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p

I read that thread but you have more of it than I read.

Isn't that a key bit? Since you are VargThePissed is it possible your anger made you a little rushed and you didn't care enough to read the whole thing?

Or was it that you opted for an easier source of information that wasn't entirely accurate?

You are using dissimulation, and distortion of what said and also putting words in my mouth I dd not say.

For example you say,"...is it possible your anger made you a little rushed and you didn't care enough to read the whole thing?

Or was it that you opted for an easier source of information that wasn't entirely accurate?..."

Also,"...Isn't that a key bit?..."

No it's not key at all and you are being deceptive to pretend that it is. I ask anyone curious about this to read the torrent link above and you will see its not key to anything. You just made that shit up that there's some "secret key" in the comment that's relative.

And "...easier source of information that wasn't entirely accurate?..."

So in this case he just makes up some "easy source" and attributes me using this. I ask what "easy source". Did I quote any easy source? No. None. Nada. Nothing. You made that up to pretend that I used inaccurate data. A fake and dishonest notion.

You "imply" that there is some sort of information in the link continuing the thread that changes the situation. Well there's not. You say that in a way that could convince people I missed something but this is false. In fact my beliefs are based on something entirely different from that thread which is based on adding LGBTZUWN or whatever comments to I2P principles. That's not what I based my ideas on. In fact I point out that the people saying "this change in principles" IS the reason zzz left is bullshit and makes no sense. That you use the thread to try and raise doubt is a trick to change the subject from, what I say,(zzz would not quit because of this statement) to (arguing about the statement itself or what the thread says which is irrelevant to the point I am making.) Typical misdirection. Your method of deception is one typically used by Jews. They take some little fact and pretend that it means something other that what it does and supposedly that means they proved something. In fact you have proved nothing and have added not a single pertinent idea to the case. Just typical misdirection.

What he is trying to do is, change the subject to some little niggling fact of no consequence and make THAT the thing to be focused on, and, draw doubt in people's minds by throwing up some sort of distraction. Jews do this all the time. Once you learn about it, it becomes harder for them to use misdirection on you. Pay attention and you will see this constantly in the press. I think they must have classes in the schools they go to teaching this because it's all over everywhere and they Jews use it obsessively.

You said I said,"everyone knows", well I didn't say that. Once again twisting the meaning of what I said to draw doubt in the minds of the reader.

I said,"...It's well known by anyone paying attention that every institution the Jews take over destroys itself or completely changes it's whole reason for being to support Jewish interest..."

and I ask, do you not know this? If you do not you are foolish. There are books written by verified insiders on Jew hit squads murdering people. They were caught doing so when they mistakenly killed the wrong person.

That the US is run by Jews is easily established by 9-11 where building 7 fell over 100 feet with no resistance. Public video evidence shows less than one hour before it fell there was only four floors on fire. To fall as it did it had to have NO SUPPORT at all for over 100 feet, (over ten floors), all the way around the building on all four sides. This did not happen. The end result is that anyone can see, for themselves, that the building was demoed in some way. This is not rumor or supposition, it's fact. If you argue with this you are a liar and a deception agent, or maybe a fool.

Now the mere fact that this happened and no one did a thing to the Jew owner tells you all you have to know about Jews controlling the USA.

You said,"...At the same time, "VargThePissed" tries to implant direct links in your mind between things that may or may not be related..."

Look at how he is trying to gas-light you, a favorite trick of the Jews. He's trying to pretend that I have mixed up several ideas when I have not. He uses this to pretend that there's some loss of logic in what I said. You're deceptacon gas-lighting doesn't work on me and in fact all you are doing is showing your hand. People take notice at zlatinb's word salad deceptive behavior here and use it to guide for in the future for anything he says. Once I see someone using these, by the book Jew deception techniques, (they use these constantly and in a manner that you soon begin to recognize), then I carefully parse anything they say or more likely disregard anything they say from then on.

Let's look at what I said and use basic logic to see if my worry about the viability of the java branch of I2P is in jeopardy, and subsequently zzz may also be dead or in peril.

1. We know control of java I2P is no longer controlled by zzz. Now zzz has been doing this for over a decade. Does it seem logical to you he would with no warning drop out of contact and cut off his site. That he would readily give up what he has labored away at for over a decade over some silly statement about whether we should want to have faggots and trannys "respected". That this one tiff over this statement would cause him to freak out and quit everything? Do you believe this? I don't and rightly so as it is illogical and zzz, being a programmer, must have at least a little bit of a logical frame of mind.
2. Let's add to this with other facts. zab stops MuWure very abruptly. He says he is doing so because drug dealers are asking him too many questions. I thought this was odd to quit for that reason but even worse he said he is going to enter a monastery. WHAT? A computer programmer, and a good one, gets mad and then goes to a monastery? I don't know where he's going but the majority of monasteries do not do a lot of programing. I thought this was super odd but...oh well, but combine his disappearing to a monastery AND zzz disappearing for silly reasons, both of them, and zzz's site gone and he not public in any way. A person with any good sense knowing that the Jews and their lackey intel agencies would like to get rid of I2P, well that tells me logically that they have been threatened at the least and possibly killed. There's something wrong with this picture. What they telling us does not add up.
3. Now zlatinb pretends I'm confused or somehow don't understand. He is trying to cast doubt by bringing in data that has nothing to do with the situation at hand and pretending my thoughts on the matter are based on faulty data. A simple Jew trick, and I say he is full of shit and is dissimulating "notions" and "false suppositions", while I am basing my thoughts on facts and human behavior that is readily apparent to be odd as hell in this situation.
4. zzz' site being down shows me that they do not have control of it...yet. I would not be surprised if it came back and some ringer post as zzz in the future.
5.Let's further add in that as of right now the Outproxy stormycloud.i2p is not working. Maybe it will come back but it doesn't work now and hasn't.
6. Combine all these facts and, as in a case founded on circumstantial evidence, you can draw conclusions. And if you see it as I do, I say java I2P is taken over by hostile forces.

And notice zlatinb doesn't even talk about that. He doesn't want you to focus on that. He wants you to focus on some silly thread and whether I made hasty decisions on some inaccurate information that he made up supposedly influencing me. Another trick, because they DO NOT want you to focus on the fact that it appears I2P java is taken over by hostile forces, or to start paying attention to the facts surrounding the oddness. Drawing the wrong conclusions, or the ones they don't want you to have. They want you to focus your mind anywhere but that. Another trick.

Mon, 20 Mar 2023, 05:34pm #15
Registered: March 2023
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I got names wrong. Possibly. Mainly because, why aren't you in a monastery? You couldn't possibly be here because, you are in a monastery.

Tue, 21 Mar 2023, 05:24am #16
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 30 Mar 2023
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I got names wrong. Possibly. Mainly because, why aren't you in a monastery? You couldn't possibly be here because, you are in a monastery.

Um ok, but I'm not. I'm in Sofia, Bulgaria. If I feel safe enough to meet you in person, I'm happy to have a coffee with you. I have several friends here. But let's make sure the conversation is recorded or better yet live-streamed by all present parties. And there is no rush to make that happen.

You clearly are very smart, and it is beyond my ability to respond to every one of your arguments, but I did see some contradictions, and all I did in my post #12 was to ask questions.

Tue, 21 Mar 2023, 08:51am #17
Registered: March 2023
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I'm certainly not going to meet you in person and dox myself.

I actually first wrote zlatinb but after I saw your argument, I thought to myself, this can not possibly be zab or the same person. I actually changed the name in my response to zab due to this confusion. Then I looked at a forum and saw that zlatinb is/was zab.

Your arguments are exactly that of a Jewish person. It's very distinctive the way they try to influence people. I wonder if you, are not you? That the person writing the above is not zab but someone set to take his place. I've seen a video of you somewhere in Europe and you didn't look Jewish to me and I can't see a Jew moving to a monastery as being likely. Considering all the other suspicious things going on it's not unwarranted to be be very wary of things. Just because you have the same nick and a pass does not mean that you are the originator of that name and pass.

Wouldn't be the first time someone was replaced. Look at the present Alex Jones. The original Alex Jones I've seen videos of him in Arkansas and it is NOT the guy who plays Alex Jones now. The "present" Alex Jones guy used be, almost certainly, Bill Hicks the comedian who supposedly passed from cancer. Listen to Bill Hicks rants. It's unmistakably "present" Alex Jones and there's all sorts of other data on this. Look it up you'll see. But I warn you it's hard if not impossible to find the original Alex Jones tapes and the Bill Hicks rants tapes, before he became Jones, they may be wiped from the net.

And to give credit where credit is due I think the present Alex Jones is actually uncovering the deep State, mostly Jews, and that's why they are trying to ruin him. When he started he was married to a Jew handler. Probably they came to him and promised him a big salary if he played this crazy ranting conservative and he being your typical drugged up comedian thought what a great gig. But over time I suspect he noticed that a lot of the crazy stuff he was saying was true, mixed with nonsense so as to make him look foolish, and his conscience started bothering him that he was deceiving people. He started to rant a little less and tell the truth a lot more. That's when they lowered the boom on him and ruined him.

Tue, 21 Mar 2023, 09:34am #18
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

achived wrote:

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p before it went down.

Thanks for this.

Wed, 22 Mar 2023, 06:41am #19
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Thu, 30 Mar 2023
Сообщения: 16

VargThePissed wrote:

I'm certainly not going to meet you in person and dox myself.

Well, I've made the offer. It doesn't paint you in very good light to be so reluctant to provide data that can be verified and direct blame towards Jews.

VargThePissed wrote:

I actually first wrote zlatinb but after I saw your argument, I thought to myself, this can not possibly be zab or the same person. I actually changed the name in my response to zab due to this confusion. Then I looked at a forum and saw that zlatinb is/was zab.

On the zzz.i2p forum I used the nickname "zab" which are my initials. My full name is Zlatin Alexandrov Balevsky. Here I use the name zlatinb.

VargThePissed wrote:

Your arguments are exactly that of a Jewish person. It's very distinctive the way they try to influence people. I wonder if you, are not you? That the person writing the above is not zab but someone set to take his place. I've seen a video of you somewhere in Europe and you didn't look Jewish to me and I can't see a Jew moving to a monastery as being likely. Considering all the other suspicious things going on it's not unwarranted to be be very wary of things. Just because you have the same nick and a pass does not mean that you are the originator of that name and pass.

I have been baptized as Orthodox Christian. Many years later I found out that Jewishness is passed down by mother's line, and my grandmother on my mother's side had what one would call a "Jewish nose". She was also an adopted child. She has passed away now, but I did ask her at least twice whether she was adopted from a Jewish family and she said no. Still, one will never know for sure as those records are not available anymore.

Either way, I have not drawn blood from my penis or been officially accepted into Judaism. I did inquire to convert long time ago but never made the actual first step of going to a Rabbi.

Bottom line: you will never know, and neither will I.

VargThePissed wrote:

Wouldn't be the first time someone was replaced. Look at the present Alex Jones. The original Alex Jones I've seen videos of him in Arkansas and it is NOT the guy who plays Alex Jones now. The "present" Alex Jones guy used be, almost certainly, Bill Hicks the comedian who supposedly passed from cancer. Listen to Bill Hicks rants. It's unmistakably "present" Alex Jones and there's all sorts of other data on this. Look it up you'll see. But I warn you it's hard if not impossible to find the original Alex Jones tapes and the Bill Hicks rants tapes, before he became Jones, they may be wiped from the net.

There you go again: "there's all sorts of other data on this". Can you give people here at least some kind of starting point?

VargThePissed wrote:

And to give credit where credit is due I think the present Alex Jones is actually uncovering the deep State, mostly Jews, and that's why they are trying to ruin him. When he started he was married to a Jew handler. Probably they came to him and promised him a big salary if he played this crazy ranting conservative and he being your typical drugged up comedian thought what a great gig. But over time I suspect he noticed that a lot of the crazy stuff he was saying was true, mixed with nonsense so as to make him look foolish, and his conscience started bothering him that he was deceiving people. He started to rant a little less and tell the truth a lot more. That's when they lowered the boom on him and ruined him.

I haven't followed the story about Alex Jones, I did notice he didn't have a beard and at one point he did have a beard. That's all I can say about him.

Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 05:08pm #20
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

I share similar misgivings to the OP wrt the very sudden nature of zzz's disappearance. Though I won't pass judgement on whether I believe he has come to harm or was simply given a ludicrous sum to cease development and walk away.

achived wrote:

I downloaded the last topic on zzz.i2p before it went down.

Are you able to unzip this and simply display the contents? I personally don't open zip files from random strangers.

In-seriousness wrote:


I'm always looking for ways to fight Big Tech, so this "Internet Antitrust Law" is somewhat interesting to me but it probably is best served by having its own thread, perhaps?

FYI, the server you chose to host the files, namely sharefile.i2p) is a Cloudflare honeypot itself! Yes, they exist on the darknet not just the clearnet, unfortunately. If you look at the HTTP request header of the site you will see "server: cloudflare" and the associated "cf-ray" entry.

There is a group, Crimeflare, who fight Cloudflare, and I can recommend their Block Cloudflare MITM Attack Extension for Firefox. It automatically tells you when a page is Cloudflare by prepending "[!!MITM!!]" to the tab and adding an ugly border around the webpage. The extension was hosted by Mozilla but they appear to have removed it. You should know that Mozilla force Firefox users to use Cloudflare for DNS, unless you manually prevent it. The only version Mozilla seem to host is an old one, and its in Russian which you don't understand.

If you're interested, the version of Block Cloudflare MITM Attack (BCMA) extension that I have is this one, which I've kept a backup of. If you change the filename to '.zip' and unzip it you can read the code for yourself. I realize the hypocrisy of saying that, given I don't unzip files from strangers myself. Maybe an established supporter of Crimeflare on these forums can verify the file is correct???

As an aside, Crimeflare should probably be on I2P these days, because I've just tried to access their site https://crimeflare.eu.org and repo at https://git.disroot.org/dCf/deCloudflare and both are inaccessible. Not good, they are probably attacked by the same anti-democratic forces that birthed Cloudflare, but if they were on I2P maybe they could operate more easily?

Cloudflare is really very bad. I live in a western country and they prevented me from accessing my bank account when I started moving my cryptocurrency to a non-custodial wallet. Cloudflare is among the greatest threats to human civilization. Should it ever become common knowledge what they are doing, distractions will be created to stop the revolt. In many respects a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is already here.

I say this not to discourage you, but to encourage. I look forward to trying out your Big Tech Blocker and have added your torrent file here as a backup.

VargThePissed and zlatinb were engaged in an oppositional discussion but given that some time has passed it seems community members have put aside what appear to me minor or perceived differences for the sake of a greater good, and that is the health of the I2P network and the community.

Also looking forward to someone posting the contents of the zip file above that I cannot open.

Last edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 05:58pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Sun, 26 Mar 2023, 06:16pm #21
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Сообщения: 21

This is not rusky. Doma is home... for example

ACETONE the Original What? or the SWEDES must try this one

Check postman Apps for yggdrasil debian no repo neccessary.
Avenge Napalm Daddy's forum!
Yandex Rusky:
Подходите ближе, ребята! Доступен Иггдрасиль, сгенерированный Guix. Я понятия не имею, работают ли они. Я уменьшил свой вес, и, похоже, у меня на коричневой дырочке "яблочко", которое мешает мне наклоняться. Приветствуются специалисты i2pd. Не используйте в своей хорошей системе. Они находятся ниже уровня тестирования.

Step right up folks! Guix generated Yggdrasill available. I have no idea if they work with any of the routers. I reduced my routers and it looks like I have a bullseye on my brown hole that prevents me from bending over. The i2pd specialists welcome. Don't use on your good system. These are below testing grade (computer generated GUIX).

I ain't got cheese to give you for the wine. Stop morning and action baby... it's not like you knew him personally.

Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 08:44am #22
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29


VargThePissed and zlatinb were engaged in an oppositional discussion but given that some time has passed it seems community members have put aside what appear to me minor or perceived differences for the sake of a greater good, and that is the health of the I2P network and the community.

I haven't put aside anything. I think zlatinb(fake) is a Jew who is pretending to be zab. He doesn't talk like him or act like him. But there's little to no point in arguing with Jews. They will just blather nonsense constantly.

There's further evidence that there are problems with I2P java. Looking at this post,

"repo not working on whonix install"

He's trying to update and getting,

"...The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AB9660B9EB2CC88B..."

So could it be that zzz removed his key. Maybe the present controllers of I2P java have keys for some of it but missed this one. So zzz removes it and people notice. Like me. Address below.


Also looking forward to someone posting the contents of the zip file above that I cannot open.[/quote]

Here is the zip file in text form,cut and paste,

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i2p projekt should stay politically neutral « Complaints and Questions ... « I2P Help, Hints, Advice

1 day ago #1


this is regarding the text at the bottom of : http://i2p-projekt.i2p/en/contact

it reads:
I2P welcomes all kinds of people, as long as they are friendly and helpful to each other.
We disgrace hate, anger, racism, and bad speaking towards anyone.
We do support LBGT, suppressed minorites and other people, wether they need help in kind of our I2P software or not.
We work together to build a free world without hate, racism and violence.
The I2P router software was created in this spirit and should be used to help repressed people to regain their freedom of speech, while not suppressing others.

now do I think this statement is bad, no not really but me and many others think it should stay neutral.

in fact just about anyone on #i2p-chat (irc2p) thinks so

please change it or delete it to remain neutral

here is a recommended change from "det" over on irc2p

"I2P protects people from hatred, but it does not discriminate against protecting the hateful, so be aware that on this network you will find humanity."


"I2P welcomes all kinds of people, whether friendly and helpful or grumpy and cantankerous you can find a home here."


also there are many typos in the statment
LBGT (unless thats some other group i havent heard about)

find my site and gpg key here http://minetest.i2p

1 day ago #2


Haven't said much on IRC but count me in those who "think so" too, didn't think I'd see this kind of agenda pushed on an anonymous network project.
1 day ago #3


I wish to express my rejection towards taking overtly political or partisan stances.

For one, I think it is hard to differentiate political statements from partisan statements, so any single time a group endorses a particular political position, it always reads as "We vote for $PARTY", which is most likely NOT the image most groups want to portray. By that, I mean that even groups that are in the pocket of some political party want to look like they are NOT in the pocket of some political party.

Modern diversity statements are also a comparative offense, every single time. I belong to a minority group that is never referenced by diversity statements. Every single time a diversity statement is published, it feels like the group issuing the statement thinks a whole lot of people (gays, blacks, whatever) deserves mention. The problem is every group not mentioned is automatically relegated to a second place at best. Diversity statements are discriminatory in that they ALWAYS imply that the team issuing them cares more for certain groups of people than for others.

Lots of groups are opposed to each other, so you can't really agree with all of them. If you endorse gays you will antagonize a number of Muslim groups automatically, for example. The only way in which you can be friendly to both groups is to have no favorites. In practical terms that means if you want to be friendly to most groups, the only rule you need is "I2P welcomes anybody who is not an utter asshole". Anything else looks like cheap virtue signaling that is not even a good effort at that.

23 hours ago #4


+1 for minetest. Develop on I2P to improve the software. You can have your own political views when it comes to various topics but don't make it so the project itself is associated with any sort of views like this. The point of this is for freedom to all who use it and that is what this should be about. Freedom for everyone. Love LGBT, hate a minority, sharing designs for printed guns for terrorists, etc none of it should matter when it comes to I2P.

Last edited: 22 hours ago by csaybacsiuaybc
23 hours ago #5


I really think this is stupid that a community around a tool made for freedom of speech speaks about repressing anyone.
Some people hate some people due to this or that specificity, that is human and choosing an hate instead of another hate (for example choosing the hate of racism instead of the hate of different races) is still choosing a hate.
It would be OK to state that people should not discourage other people to participate to the project for whatever reason and so keep their own hate for themselves in the participation to the project but that ideological choice is just non-sense.
To keep on the example of racism, if the I2P staff is anti-racist, that is fine as long as they do not discourage racists to participate to the project (as long as those racists are not discouraging people from other skin colours then their skin coulour to participate).
21 hours ago #6

★★ I2P Legend ★★

I wrote this on the IRC but its really a statement about the generalized community and devs (if not just ZZZ himself)

Its weird to get offended over a statement like "we like minorities" as if its some kind of hot take. Its just saying "We want I2P to be used for good", which is kind of obvious.

Seeing some sites like "wlm" being on here, its not surprising ZZZ would write a statement to suggest that I2P wasn't created as some network to direct hatred.

If you think the statement, "We don't hate minorities" is an "agenda", I really can't help you.

People are acting like ZZZ just made an update that bans websites with offensive content when its just a years old quote on the projects website, which may I remind you boils down to "We would want good faith people to use this software as a way to better the world"

I2P was created to be a force of general good, with bad faith actors abusing the freedom a service like this gives, but thats not the idea of what I2P is created for.

Thats all I get from this quote, just a "we built this software with good intentions"
20 hours ago #7




If you think the statement, "We don't hate minorities" is an "agenda", I really can't help you.

16 hours ago #8


That inclusion statement reads like a human resources shibboleth. Why especially mention the LGBT stuff in it? Did i2p devs, or the community (whatever it means) act hostile towards those "minorities" in the past so that now it seeks to redeem itself by acting apologetic?

I think it is a statement that is unasked for and reads like an ugly appendage to the whole "Contact" page. It immediately colors the I2P project in a certain American leftist progressivist view---which many others (perhaps me included, as a non-Western person---say, a "minority" if you will) will be alienated from.

Also, there is a certain sense of contradiction saying "we disgrace hate," and then putting a mission statement of ushering a world "without hate." So you are hating the haters, and becoming a hater yourself?

Anyways, as many others wrote in this topic so far, I am for writing a more neutral introduction letter. Or, removing that paragraph altogether. It is out of place in the page, and it is unnecessary to present to the visitors.

Helpful? Tip XMR! 83yfSVYFpKwjmXxuMTAMwxdUtwJYoAFsBU8J8J2J79NDTngk9wMFyhQCAcZsBeK17K4V8LyEuLwtge462bzGUch7KHcPYkQ
16 hours ago #9


> That inclusion statement reads like a human resources shibboleth. Why especially mention the LGBT stuff in it?

Wow, imagine being this triggered by a statement of support for suppressed minorities.

It's pure insanity.

The inclusion statement is a fine addition that makes the values of the project clear. As somebody who actually uses I2P under an oppressive government which targets minorities and encourages others to use I2P, the statement makes it clear to future users that I2P is aware of their very real struggles and is working to help them. Helping people fight against oppressive governments is a political agenda but it's one that every decent human being should and can support. As for "neutrality" it's well understood that being "neutral" while people with a lot of power and money and guns hunt down a minority isn't neutral at all. Being neutral in this case is just supporting the status quo, supporting the oppression of certain groups, and supporting the idea that it's okay to lock people up for what they believe or who they love. I2P isn't neutral by its very nature and it's very important to remember who is using I2P and really needs it.

This is basic stuff.

14 hours ago #10


Suppressed minorities with full corporate support and billions in funding, yeah certainly.


I know what the statement is about, it has something to do with current political frictions between the now-socialist west and the older socialists in Russia, where Russia is now demonized including average people, and since there happens to be some of them using I2P some guy thought it is a russian retreat or something (it's definitely not) and launched the ddos attack of last month.

Last edited: 14 hours ago by hijtmann
14 hours ago #11


>Wow, imagine being this triggered by a statement of support for suppressed minorities.

The real question is, why should a software project about anonymous and end to end encrypted computer networks BE concerned about any of human demographics? The developers themselves can have such concerns, and compassion towards such so called "oppressed" minorities, and I have no objections to that. Everybody is beholden to their own personal opinion.

The question is, and what rubs many people the wrong way, is, why is the I2P's "official voice" putting forward such statements towards only one type of specific minority group? There are loads of other minority groups that you can say that are being oppressed by the modernity. Why should the official I2P statement pick one group of minority over the others?

Helpful? Tip XMR! 83yfSVYFpKwjmXxuMTAMwxdUtwJYoAFsBU8J8J2J79NDTngk9wMFyhQCAcZsBeK17K4V8LyEuLwtge462bzGUch7KHcPYkQ
13 hours ago #12


> The question is, and what rubs many people the wrong way, is, why is the I2P's "official voice" putting forward such statements towards only one type of specific minority group?

Again with the bullshit. What do you think I2P is? Is it a billion dollar corporation? A governmental agency?


I2P is a group of developers. Normal, regular people who have been working on this project for nearly 20 years without pay. And now you want to show up and spew bullshit and preach to them about the "official voice"? A device you created out of thin air literally 10 minutes ago?

Here's the pure insanity part: you really think you can control the behavior of the developers. Do you think anybody is stupid enough to fall for it?

> Why should the official I2P statement pick one group of minority over the others?

Who said anything about picking one "group of minority" over another. I2P clearly supports **all** groups who are oppressed by official powers. That is the whole point of the project. It's not anonymous for fun. And while you think you can sew division by pointing out certain groups, nobody is actually stupid enough to fall for it. It's very clear that certain groups need anonymous communication to survive. I2P is for these groups, whenever and wherever.
12 hours ago #13


A nice example of associations, dear friends.

The accusation on the part of "minetest_i2p" obviously refers to the P2P network operated by its anonymous participants and not to the contact site of the I2P developer team, which is partly in the public eye. And that would already close the case.

Nevertheless, to be clear, this succinct statement of "inclusion" is about self-protection. The team welcomes all those seeking help on its social project pages and on IRC, and will help where possible as long as those seeking advice adhere to the aforementioned exemplary standards of decency. It would be fatal if, for example, the terrorist were to turn to the I2P team to set up a terrorist cell from this point of view. And it would not be the first time that common criminals have blatantly approached developers for help in their schemes. At the same time, it is an instruction to the inner circle to practice tolerance.

In addition, software developers are of course allowed to express pious wishes about what their product should and should not be used for. Much more damaging, however, are formulations from which everyone can read out what suits him or her, for example the so-called "I2P philosophy".
12 hours ago #14

I2P Regular

mesh wrote:
> That inclusion statement reads like a human resources shibboleth. Why especially mention the LGBT stuff in it?

Wow, imagine being this triggered by a statement of support for suppressed minorities.

It's pure insanity.

The inclusion statement is a fine addition that makes the values of the project clear. As somebody who actually uses I2P under an oppressive government which targets minorities and encourages others to use I2P, the statement makes it clear to future users that I2P is aware of their very real struggles and is working to help them. Helping people fight against oppressive governments is a political agenda but it's one that every decent human being should and can support. As for "neutrality" it's well understood that being "neutral" while people with a lot of power and money and guns hunt down a minority isn't neutral at all. Being neutral in this case is just supporting the status quo, supporting the oppression of certain groups, and supporting the idea that it's okay to lock people up for what they believe or who they love. I2P isn't neutral by its very nature and it's very important to remember who is using I2P and really needs it.

This is basic stuff.

You're right, the dark web has intense anarchist and autonomist overtones. If you don't like it, don't play

Digital stowaways under the Great Firewall
12 hours ago #15


mesh wrote:
> The question is, and what rubs many people the wrong way, is, why is the I2P's "official voice" putting forward such statements towards only one type of specific minority group?

Again with the bullshit. What do you think I2P is? Is it a billion dollar corporation? A governmental agency?


I2P is a group of developers. Normal, regular people who have been working on this project for nearly 20 years without pay. And now you want to show up and spew bullshit and preach to them about the "official voice"? A device you created out of thin air literally 10 minutes ago?

Here's the pure insanity part: you really think you can control the behavior of the developers. Do you think anybody is stupid enough to fall for it?

> Why should the official I2P statement pick one group of minority over the others?

Who said anything about picking one "group of minority" over another. I2P clearly supports **all** groups who are oppressed by official powers. That is the whole point of the project. It's not anonymous for fun. And while you think you can sew division by pointing out certain groups, nobody is actually stupid enough to fall for it. It's very clear that certain groups need anonymous communication to survive. I2P is for these groups, whenever and wherever.

Too many sentences, yet too little arguments. You can chant the word "bullshit, bullshit" however much you want.

> And now you want to show up and spew bullshit and preach to them about the "official voice"? A device you created out of thin air literally 10 minutes ago?

> Here's the pure insanity part: you really think you can control the behavior of the developers. Do you think anybody is stupid enough to fall for it?

What the heck are you even talking about in these sentences? I said official voice, because the inclusion statement is published in the i2p-projekt.i2p site, which is indeed the official website for the i2p project? Is this wrong?

Further, I did not say anything about "controlling the behavior of the developers". I especially said, individual developers can feel compassion towards any minority group they deem compassion-worthy. I further said, everybody is beholden to their own opinions. How is "controlling the behavior" of anyone?

My point is when the official voice of I2P proclaims "we do support LGBT", it is picking one of the oppressed groups out of dime-a-dozen others. And that is just ugly. It is a political move, or one that can easily be interpreted as one. Because when you pick one group over the others, you are using your own moral judgment. Why not highlight "we do support covid-vaccine-skeptics" which were immensely censored and oppressed by the mainstream media and the mainstream media medical establishment, just 2 years ago? Or, why not highlight, "we do support neo-nazis" as the oppressed minority groups?

How about this: why not just say, in the Inclusion note, "We do support suppressed minorities and other people, whether they need help in kind of our I2P software or not." How about saying just that? Would you be opposing to that?

Helpful? Tip XMR! 83yfSVYFpKwjmXxuMTAMwxdUtwJYoAFsBU8J8J2J79NDTngk9wMFyhQCAcZsBeK17K4V8LyEuLwtge462bzGUch7KHcPYkQ
12 hours ago #16

★★ I2P Legend ★★

As opposite we can state, that i2pd is a meritocracy. We evaluate people on their merits and their work, rather than belonging to particular social groups.
11 hours ago #17


Just out of curiosity, orignal, what merits and works are recognized in your meritocracy, in your official opinion, does the visible dismantling of hard-won achievements such as human rights count as meritocracy?
11 hours ago #18


- echelon runs the website
- echelon added the text in 2021
- I was not involved with or consulted about the change
- Please move discussion on this topic to http://i2pforum.i2p/
- locking this thread
Page 1 of 1

This Topic is Locked

Now my point is zzz is not jumping up and down in some sort of apoplectic spam about this. Read it for yourself and you can see that. So why would it drive him to quit AND kill his site when he has explicitly stated that he would not do this because of the manner that J Random disappeared caused so much problems. The whole thing stinks. Smells of sulfur.

I would like to know does anyone have a copy of the source code to zzz's last I2P version: 2.1.0-0

How can we use zzz's public key(or did he have one at that time only for him) to verify that it was done by him and no one else? Is there a way to get the source before it was taken over AND KNOW that the source has not been tampered with?

I'm not sure if that's possible because I think the people running I2P java now had access to the keys before zzz disappeared. Seeing as how they have no problem updating within the I2P infrastructure now, that may be the case. If so how would you ever know the older code, supposedly by zzz, was not tampered with also?

Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 09:18am #23
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

zlatinb,"...Well, I've made the offer. It doesn't paint you in very good light to be so reluctant to provide data that can be verified and direct blame towards Jews..."

More of the same Jew speak. See how they do this. It's like a nervous tic they can't get rid of. Like that rubbing of the hands they do. They do this hand rubbing every so often. You see them noticing they do it then stopping abruptly and looking around like,"did anyone see my hand rubbing?". This Jew speak is the same thing.

Look at what he says,"...It doesn't paint you in very good light..."

Well, if it doesn't put me in a good light to meet some likely Jew that pretends to be someone else that has disappeared and gone to who knows where? I say, in good light to WHO?

and,"...to provide data that can be verified and direct blame towards Jews..."

Who else would do something so vile? If fact your popping up and spewing a whole lot of Jew speak is what seals my suspicions that the Jews are the ones doing this. Jews hate, hate, hate free speech, because then we start hearing about, 9-11, the massive murderous behavior of the Jews in Russia, Spain and all throughput history. The Jews are just one big ass bloody hate machine that murder everyone they can every chance they get. God only knows how many people they killed in Russia during the communist revolution. Here's what their own people say,

"It was essentially a Jewish regime in the Soviet Union that between 1917 and 1953 managed to exterminate 66 million Russian Christians and destroy their churches"

Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister
Democracy Now, August 14, 2002

So there's your "data" about the Jews. I already talked about 9-11. I can provide WAY MORE if you're not satisfied with that.

Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 08:01pm #24
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Hi QBall, it seems as though you are calling on people to jump to yggdrasil? This is not a sustainable solution because everytime people jump out of a community to another, people are lost.

Ask yourself also what happens when yggdrasil is attacked? Are we forever to dart from one internet infrastructure to the next, or do we defend the home and the land that we have built and tended to?

VargThePissed wrote:

I haven't put aside anything.

No matter. If I may be forthright, the way you generalize and evoke cartoonish imagery of all Jewish people makes it difficult to take your position seriously. I'm opposed to the Zionism and land theft that is perpetuated by the Israel State but I separate that from Jewish people. There are many ordinary Jewish people who despise the Israel apartheid regime. I cannot stop you from hating, but just know that it negatively affects your arguments when you point and say "this is just like a Jew". It's called 'playing the man' and it is a fast way to lose formal debates. Now I will say zlatinb comes across as opinionated and a bit oppositional and I think I do remember a prominent person being a bit like that in the zzz forums too. Maybe it was zab.

VargThePissed wrote:

(i2pd whonix difficulties)

Different distros have different ways of packaging things. It could be that the key fingerprint you quoted is that of a maintainer at Whonix. Have you tried a search for it?

VargThePissed wrote:

(posted transcript of zzz.i2p thread)

Thank you very much for posting that. The thread reads like something that would happen every so often at zzz.i2p, and it was handled by zzz in the style I expect. Quite right, its not a plausible reason to shutdown all operations. Thanks again.

VargThePissed wrote:

(looking back over the source of different versions)

It gives me some pleasure to have discovered, as a result of your question, that it would seem one can see all the versions going back to 2012! The "official" download webpage for i2p triggers a download from this site

The key of zzz I have trusted myself is:

pub   rsa4096 2014-05-08 [SC] [expires: 2024-05-05]

Finally, I'm very interested to know people's thoughts on Cloudflare.

I'm yet to attempt to install the Big Tech Blocker, but I will try at the first opportunity as I'm interested in knowing whether my setup is indeed phoning home to the tech overlords in some ungodly manner.

Last edited: Mon, 27 Mar 2023, 08:11pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 04:02am #25
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

@fairlyNoobQuestions, Thanks for the key and download info very much.
As for,

"... If I may be forthright, the way you generalize and evoke cartoonish imagery of all Jewish people makes it difficult to take your position seriously. I'm opposed to the Zionism and land theft that is perpetuated by the Israel State but I separate that from Jewish people. There are many ordinary Jewish people who despise the Israel apartheid regime. I cannot stop you from hating, but just know that it negatively affects your arguments when you point and say "this is just like a Jew"..."

I get that but if several thousand years of Jewish behavior will not convince you...then I certainly won't. I used to think like you until after looking into it deeply, after 9-11, found that "as a group" the Jews have the same behavior every where they go.

They have been thrown out of over 1,000 countries and principalities as a result. Now you may say,"I know such good Jews and they say..."whatever they want you to hear to make you feel like they are civilized"", but know that written in their "holy book terror manual" it says for them to be unfailingly polite and helpful where they reside but if they wish to do evil go to a different town to do it. And no I'm not making this up and no I will not look it up. It's there if you look for it.

What level of damage do they have to do, what level of terror and evil will it take before you decide,"well maybe we should not let them control anything nor make any decisions at all for anyone but themselves?" Your attitude is not odd. It's typical western mind think that "we" have of everyone being an individual. Well you're wrong to think of them like this because they do NOT think this way themselves. If they could save one Jew they would murder millions, or ALL of us. It's just the way they are and western individualist thinking is a malfunctioning and aberrant mental behavior in reference to dealing with them because they don't care about that. At all. The only thing you are good for to them is to feed off of.

Now combine this with the unrelenting, constant attacks on White people and their unrelenting telling us what to do to, "not be racist", "don't be judgemental", "don't do this", "don't do that", I ask...pay attention, when are they going to rein in the worst of their lot? They are not and never will and have not done so for over thousands of years because they don't care.

Part of the firm "fuck the Jews" stance I have is while it may turn off people who have had all their lives Jew propaganda bleeding into their ears, and this is everywhere in the western world and much of the northern continents, maybe just maybe, someone will pay attention, open their eyes and see that they operate as a large parasitical team to feed on us and no aspect of kindness on your part will ever change that. There is no golden rule with them. They only take.

The Germans did not abuse them. They took over the whole country and ruined it. The US did not abuse them. They took over the whole country and ruined it. They done this thousands of times. Literally, thousands, because it works for them. I only ask that we treat them as they do us. The things I say about them are mild compared to the things they say about others.

And I'm not particular interested in the Palestinians, Arabs, Iranians, whoever. I'm worried about my country though I wish none of them or Russia any ill will at all. I certainly do not wish any of my military or tax dollars going to attacking them or anyone else.

The US military is being used as a Jewish collection agency to force people to stay in their global homo Federal Reserve program where they steal everything and to conquer their enemies. It's very sad, and it will not end well.

Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 04:32am #26
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

More bad signs. I went to


and when looking saw,"

...Windows installers for releases 0.9.38 and later are signed by zlatinb.
Download code signing certificate..."

Yet that link for zlatinb, supposedly here answering questions in an odd Jewish way, does not work. It says,

"This is not a certificate authority certificate, so it can’t be imported into the certificate authority list."

If zlatinb is here and about what happened to his key?

The contradictions just keep piling higher and higher.

Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 04:59am #27
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

And so far I have not found source code to older versions except for much older versions. No source for 2.1.0-0 which is the one we want. Last zzz source.

Where they say to go for earlier versions


That's down. What happened to it? More and more questions.

I think it would be a good idea for everyone who has the java version to download i2pupdate-2.1.0.su3

It's here


magnet, just in case


If you have this we should all seed it as long as possible. Like forever. Until we see some sort of answers, fat chance of that, it would not be foolish to not ever update past this version.

I took the last known zzz update i2pupdate-2.1.0.su3 renamed it to i2pupdate.zip, then put it in my program folder and it updated it backwards rolling it back to 2.1.0. I turned off updates.

Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 12:33pm #28
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Sun, 04 Aug 2024
Сообщения: 29

I found a torrent
"I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023"

I would think it would have the relevant software before the "change", if it can be verified.


Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 03:59pm #29
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Varg wrote:

Thanks for the key and download info very much.

A pleasure.

Varg wrote:

(some negativity towards Jewish people)

In the lead-up to the Christchurch Massacre in New Zealand, similar was said about followers of Islam, that they will secretly destroy non-believers etc.

Most religions include some awful ideas in scriptures to spread its influence and wealth.

There are good people and bad people in any religion. It is well known that a Jewish Mafia existed in New York, for example, and may still exist today. Just like there are some unsavory types of Christian and Islamic people.

The general consensus among honest historians is, in the early/mid 20th century Jewish people were typically prevented from operating financial institutions in the US so they focused a large part into arts, specifically film and television. What we might call "the media". As a result, yes, a lot of Jewish people exist in the media, and yes, the media is also today controlled by counter-intelligence agencies, so some overlap will exist here between counter-intelligence and jewish people. As a result the negativity felt towards media, as a counter-intelligence apparatus may conflate with the fact that many are also Jewish.

This is understandable conflation, but again 'conflation' is another logical fallacy to be wary of.

Sowing division is one of the "keystones" in counter-intelligence's "arch" of power. Genuine historians no longer refute that the Israel State was formed in large part to foment problems in the Middle East to justify the resource-extracting "War On Terror". Of course, these things are easy to see in hindsight.

Varg wrote:

(Judaism re 9/11)

It was inspired by media propaganda throughout the 90s that persistently depicted disaster for the west in the form of building destruction, a trope sprayed across all forms of film and television. Having said that, it remains a logical fallacy to conflate "media" and "Jews" here. The US State Department, many of whom are not Jewish, upon learning that someone would indeed carry out the attack seem to have permitted and facilitated it. The person who ran the security at the towers was brother to George Bush and that team were absent on the day of the attack.

Varg wrote:

(Judaism re Federal Reserve)

I don't see it as a Jewish thing. I'm opposed to the Federal Reserve system for more foundational reasons. I assume you appreciate bitcoin then, yes? This takes us back to Cloudflare, who are attempting to control the on-ramps to bitcoin. Again I'm interested to know people's thoughts on Cloudflare.

Varg wrote:

I have not found source code to older versions except for much older versions. No source for 2.1.0-0 which is the one we want. Last zzz source.

On this page you'll find it as:

 i2psource_2.1.0.tar.bz2	2023-01-10 22:12 	31M	 
i2psource_2.1.0.tar.bz2.sig 2023-01-10 22:12 566

Varg wrote:

It says: "This is not a certificate authority certificate, so it can’t be imported into the certificate authority list."

Perhaps its not created by a Certificate Authority (CA)? Maybe it is simply a self-signed certificate by zlatinb he made with something like the openssl command?


Varg wrote:

I found a torrent, "I2P Git Bundles (Feb 2023)"

This is a very interesting find by you, thanks.

It is made more interesting given that the torrent file cannot be downloaded and other torrent files can. How suspicious!?

It was submitted on the same day as news was publishing by sadie and idk about the DDOS attack. Interesting!

Last edited: Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 04:23pm от fairlyNoobQuestions

Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 04:44pm #30
Registered: March 2023
Последний раз: Wed, 05 Apr 2023
Сообщения: 11

Just briefly, your usage of the term "Global Homo" (aka "globohomo") tips me off that you are fighting a basic force of biology. Homosexuality.

Homosexuality has always existed and just as many other species have more homosexual offspring as overpopulation occurs to reduce impacts of overpopualtion, so too will humans become increasingly homosexual. Also, many people are comfortable about their homosexuality today and so they will not hide it like they might have in the past.

When these two factors combine, you will see more homosexuality around. Try not to be too frightened or alarmed by this.

Counter-intelligence operatives are exceedingly good at whipping people into a frenzy on this topic. Its a dividing tactic. The media play into this of course by purposefully creating more gay characters in films, and suddenly you have people reacting to unimportant events. The "culture wars". The State dislikes homosexuality because they don't increase the population, the elite don't care about overpopulation, they can always place people into tighter and worse living conditions. States much prefer having lots of young people because youth are more easily controlled in the workforce. So if too many people realize they can be gay (EDIT: what their body tells them they are) the State loses easy, future workers.

So as States, both Russia and USA dislike homosexuality. The West seems able to supplement the loss in the workforce with foreign workers moreso than Russia, which is why Russia more overtly suppress homosexuality than the West. Watch this space closely, the so-called 'values' in the West towards women in the form of abortion rights and homosexuality can disappear faster than they came.

Both States are wrong in attacking homosexuality and abortion and should instead develop working environments with a more sensible work life balance. A four-day week for example ought be commonplace in seemingly developed countries today.

Last edited: Tue, 28 Mar 2023, 06:33pm от fairlyNoobQuestions
